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发布时间:2021-01-20 13:17:14

㈠ flask 蓝图nginx部署后怎么访问静态资源

能共复存,不需要联系的话制两个用不一样的端口就行 比如nginx用80,apache用8080 如果都想用8080访问,那么可以把nginx作为apache的前端 两种方法 1、直接用nginx反代的方式 2、静态交给nginx处理,PHP交给apache处理

㈡ Flask 框架怎么处理多级静态目录

def req_ctx_config(app, static_path):
def create_app_config():
if not hasattr(g, 'static_path'):
g.static_path= static_path
{{g.static_path|to_static_url('images', '1.jpg')}}

㈢ 怎么使用python flask搭建静态服务器

Frozen-Flask freezes aFlaskapplication into a set of static files. The result can be hosted without any server-side software other than a traditional web server.

Note:This project used to be called Flask-Static.


Install the extension with one of the following commands:

$ easy_install Frozen-Flask

or alternatively if you have pip installed:

$ pip install Frozen-Flask

or you can get thesource code from github.


This documentation assumes that you already have a workingFlaskapplication. You can run it and test it with the development server:

from myapplication import appapp.run(debug=True)

Frozen-Flask is only about deployment: instead of installing Python, a WGSI server and Flask on your server, you can use Frozen-Flask tofreezeyour application and only have static HTML files on your server.

Getting started

Create aFreezerinstance with yourappobject and call itsfreeze()method. Put that in afreeze.pyscript (or call it whatever you like):

from flask_frozen import Freezerfrom myapplication import appfreezer = Freezer(app)if __name__ == '__main__':

This will create abuilddirectory next to your application’, with your application’s content frozen into static files.


Frozen-Flask considers it “owns” its build directory. By default, it willsilently overwritefiles in that directory, andremovethose it did not create.

Theconfigurationallows you to change the destination directory, or control what files are removed if at all.

This build will most likely be partial since Frozen-Flask can only guess so much about your application.

Finding URLs

Frozen-Flask works by simulating requests at the WSGI level and writing the responses to aptly named files. So it needs to find out which URLs exist in your application.

The following URLs can be found automatically:

㈣ nginx+gunicorn+flask部属web时,使用nginx如何指定多个静态文件路径

只能使用不同的名字,比如用location /static2{.....



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