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发布时间:2023-03-22 11:28:36

① 英语翻译

System structure of java
The people are very easy regard as the Java is the plait distance language that develops various applied procere- use to weave to write the source document to combine to edit and translate them as the byte code.However, the conct and actions plait distance language is just one of Java numerous useses, but real numerous advantages( include the terrace independence) of formation Java are its first floors structures.
The Java system structure of the integrity actually is to be combine by 4 moles:
● The Java plait distance language
● Java document format
● Java API

The Java system structure is shown as diagram below, first Java of edit and translate the machine edit and translate Java of the binary system byte code class document, then the document of class be loaded the machine by the type in the Virtual Machine of Java to carry on add to carry, the type loads at the same time the machine will still add to carry the Java of original document of API Class, the type mainly add to carry the machine is responsible to add the source code Java document to carry, the conjunction and beginnings start to turn these documents of class hereafter, hand over to the performance in the Virtual Machine engine to circulate, the performance engine explain instruction of Java in the document of class in a specific way native operate system method to carry out, but the safety management machine will is outward the interview of a resources according to the safe strategy control instruction that establish in carry out process.

The Java performance method is not to edit and translate the performance but is to explain the performance, the same source code of top of different terrace edit and translate match the same binary system byte code of norm of Java, then hand over to support each from terrace of Virtual Machine explain the performance, three way for walks of" editted and translate first, behind explain, then performance" make the Java carry out" weave to write once, circulate everywhere", if what the Java application use is a standard Java API of 100% and did not adjust to use the native method directly, that can not add to modify a ground of usage on various terraces, such terrace irrelevant make network environment in different 构 or the built-in application is more convenient and realistic.The Java network ambulation brought a kind of all new software mode, at the foundation of the distribute type processing mode on, can pass software and datas the network deliver the customer to carry to go to, insuring the customer to carry to have the essential software thus to the data that browses and manipulates to deliver through a network, the Java system structure support incises the performance document of the one the small binary system byte code document Class document, but these documents can expand according to the applied demand dynamic state conjunction, dynamic state.
JVM and cores constituted the terrace of Java together, also being called the JRE( the Java Runtime Environment, the Java circulate environment), that terrace can build up at arbitrarily operate system up.Figure 1-1 showed the correlation between the Java different function mold piece, and they with application procere, with relation between operate system.

Each mole of 1-1 Javas of figure function says all
The code that the Java API weaves to write in advance, and press alike topic to be divided into manies to wrap.The Java API mainly is divided into the 3 greatest terraces:
● J2SE:(2 Platforms of Java, the Standard Edition)It include the core Java and GUIs in that terrace.
● J2EE:(2 Platforms of Java, the Enterprise Edition)That pack of in include to develop the Web application the type that procere need and connect, there is Servlet, JavaServer Page, and JavaBean etc. of Enterprise.
● J2ME:(2 Platforms of Java, the Micro Edition)Should wrap the body now Java traditional advantage, for consumed a proct to provide an already excellent the environment of hour of movement that turn, used for such as the pager machine, cellular phone or the automobile navigation systems.

Above be I analyzes for everyone of according to Microsoft of strategy of NET and Sun of according to structure system of Java strategy, my partner that below please...

② 什么是Performance

英 [pə'fɔːm(ə)ns] 美 [pɚ'fɔrməns]

n. 性能;绩效;表演;执行
performance art 行为艺术 ; 表演艺术 ; 戏剧表演艺术 ; 演出艺术
Performance Monitor 性能监视器 ; 性能监控器 ; 效能监视器 ; 事雹销件探查器
performance characteristic 工作特性 ; 性能特性 ; 性能特征 ; 性能特性曲线

You can then use this information to improve server performance in yourenvironment.
How do you then profile your system and database performance?
These are irrelevant and do not hinder the performance of the application.

③ 请问 performance 在法律上是什么意思,怎么翻译,谢谢!

performance在法闭物律文返闷件里常见的意思为“履行轿世液”,如the performance of the agreement

④ 计算机项目描述中译英

1. Performance of the system is divided into the middle layer and data services layer, the image layer is realized through the JSP, and the use of the expression of the el and the label, only to simplify the performance of the difficulty and responsibility of the code, data-lasting use Hibernate ,业务逻辑吵判蔽层adopted the common java object.
2. The system is mainly to complete the telecommunications billing business, IP network management and site visits statistical operations. Telecommunication services including IP network users and non-IP network users (fixed, mobile) at the Internet long, green traffic, such as the number of clicks. IP network management of all IP equipment, all background applications, and Unix workstations. Flexibility to add, edit fee pricing information and promotional information, by, delete, search, information to users and administrators, users, generating monthly bill, monthly, respectively, generating statistics and accounting information in the Accounts Statistics and information through the Internet allows users to query their own since the current or historical billing.
3. MVC model by design, according to J2EE layered design, performance is divided into layers, the middle layer (业务逻辑冲告层) and data services layer, the middle layer will be strictly divided into业务逻辑层, DAO layer and data layer, and so rable. MVC-lasting ban the controller of the visit, or even not participate in the realization of business logic. Web (that is, the MVC model, "C") of using Struts,业务逻辑层responsible for the control of the interaction with the performance, call业务逻升州辑层and business data back to the performance of the Organization for performance. Service Layer (is业务逻辑层) for the realization of business logic.业务逻辑层and DAO layer-based, through the positive component of the DAO mode packaging, complete system required by the business logic. DAO layer, in charge of interactive objects and lasting words. The layer of the package by the data, delete, search, to such an operation, PO persistent object. Through entities relations mapping tool will relational database mapping data into the target, it is a convenient way to realize the object-oriented database operation, the system used as Hibernate ORM framework. Spring's role throughout the entire middle layer, the Web layer, Service layer, DAO layer and PO seamless integration of its data services to be used to store data.

⑤ performance是什么中文

[英] [pəˈfɔ:məns][美] [pərˈfɔ:rməns]
表现; 表演; 演芦锋判技; 执行;

⑥ performance这单词怎么翻译

performance (perform 的名词形式)


1. 执行,实行,履行;完成;实现;偿还。
2. 行为,动作,行动;工作。
3. 性能;特性。
4. 功绩;成绩。
5. 演奏;弹奏冲渣;演散辩悄出;(驯兽等的)表演;把戏。
His musical performance last night was really terrible
His performance at work was the main reason for his promotion
The machine's performance impressed everyone
What did you mean by that performance at the restaurant?


⑦ performance什么意思



英 [pə'fɔːməns],美 [pər'fɔːrməns]

n. 表演;实行;表现;履行;性能;本事;业绩

例句:His performance gripped the audience.



1、performance management 性能管理

2、command performance 御洞判毕前演出

3、performance car 赛车

4、performance analysis 技术性能分析

5、performance art 戏剧表演艺术






例句:I was asked to give a short presentation on the aims of the plan.



1、presentation 赠送本

2、audible presentation 音响表示

3、data presentation 数据表示

4、compound presentation 复合先露

5、tabular presentation 图表

⑧ 英语编译程序怎么翻译


⑨ performance是什么意思

performance的英语发音: 英音 [ pə'fɔ:məns ] ; 美音 [ pə'fɔ:məns ]
同义词:public presentation;execution,carrying into action,carrying out;functioning,operation。

⑩ JAVA是什么意思



『Java』从1995年的暑假开始在计算机业界就受到了高度注意,特别是在Internet和多 媒体(Multimedia)相关产品类方面。Java为何有如此这么大的魅力?人作如此的比喻: Java在全球资讯网(World Wide Web, WWW)地位就如同电子表格(Spreadsheet)与个人计 算机(PC)的关系。那Java究竟有那些特色呢?

是一种由美国SUN计算机公司(Sun Microsystems, Inc.)所研究而成的语言
是一种为 Internet发展的计算机语言
是一种使网页(Web Page)产生生动活泼画面的语言
是一种使网页(Web Page)由静态(Static)转变为动态(Dynamic)的语言
是一种简化的C++语言 是一种安全的语言,具有阻绝计算机病毒传输的功能
是一种「写一次,即可在任何机器上执行(Write OnceRun Anywhere)」的语言是有史以来,第一套允使用者将应用程序(Applications)通过Internet从远端的服务器(Remote Server)传输到本地端的机器上(LocalMachine)并执行
是一种应用程序提供者不需要知道使用者的计算机硬件(如:Sun, Intel, 或MAC等)与软件(如:SW-UNIX, MAC O/S, Windows, 或NT等)环境的语言(Kestenbaum, 1995)。

下面将依序地介绍Java,首先是Java的发展历史与Java语言介绍,其次依序是Java Applet和HotJava的简单介绍。

二、Java FAQ

下面以问答的方式来说明Java的发展历史与其背景(下列内容整理自 Java FAQ list and Tutorial和The Java Language: A White Paper,读者若欲深 入了解,请自行参阅原文):

最早大概可追溯至1991年四月份,Sun的绿色计划(Green Project)开始着手于发展消费性电子产品(Consumer Electronics),所使用的语言是C、C++、及Oak (为Java语 言的前身),后因语言本身和市场的问题, 使得消费性电子产品的发展无法达到当初 预期的目标,再加上网络的兴起, 绿色计划也因此而改变发展的方向,这已是1994 年了。

为何称之为Java?(Why) "Java"是美国SUN计算机公司Java发展小组历经无数次的激烈讨论之后才被选择出。 生动(Liveliness)、动画(Animation)、速度(Speed)、交互性(Interactivity)为当 初选择名字时所欲表达出的特色。"Java"是在无数的建议中脱颖而出的,而"Java" 不是由几个单字的首字所组成, 而是从许多程序设计师钟爱的热腾腾、香浓咖啡中 产生灵感的。

谁开发了Java?(Who) Java是美国SUN计算机公司Java发展小组开发的,早期的成历蔽配员(绿色工程)是Patrick Naughton, James Gosling, & Mike Sheridan,而现在大家较为熟悉的并饥成员是James Gosling。


如何可以找到所需的Java信息?(How to)
在网路上,您可以连到Sun公司的Java WWW网站,URL是http://java.sun.com/,或是 http://www.javasoft.com/。在那里几乎可以找到您所需要的所有Java信息,但是语 言多少是一个障碍, 至少对某些人而言;没关系,目前国内已有很多个网站提供中文 Java信息。在清华和中科院的FTP站点上有不少有关资料。想象以后应会有更多的站点提供相关信息。

如何才能看到Java的效果?(How Do I)
首先您需要有含有Java解释器的浏览器(Browser),例如:Netscpae公司的Netscape Navigator 2.0以上或是Sun公司的HotJava浏览器,对个人计算机使用者而言,操作 系统需是Windows 95或是Windows NT。

Java是因为撰写C++语言程序时的困难而研制开的,起先,只是一个消费性电子产品 大计划中的一部份,C++语言是当初被考虑采用的,但从一开始的编译问题一直到最 后的一连串问题迫使得放弃C++语言,而有Java语言的产生。Sun是要Java成为一个简 单(Simple)、面向对象的(Object Oriented)、 分布式的(Distributed)、解释的(Interpreted)、健壮的(Robust)、安全的(Secure)、 结构中立的(Architecture Neutral)、可移植的(Portable)、高效能的(High Performance)、多线程的(Multithreaded)、动态的(Dynamic)的程序语言(摘译自 TheJava Language: A White Paper, 1995)。

在Sun的Java语言白皮书中明白地说明上述Java语言的技巧。若以木工为比喻,一个面 向对象的木工,他(她)最主要的重点是即将要做的木椅子,其次才是所需要的工具; 反之;一个以非面向对象的木工,他(她)所关心的只是工具。最近的即插即用(Plug and Play)亦是面向对象设计的重点。 分布式的(Distributed):Java有一个很周全的程薪录JAVA介绍 。


『Java』从1995年的暑假开始在计算机业界就受到了高度注意,特别是在Internet和 多媒体(Multimedia)相关产品类方面。Java为何有如此这么大的魅力?人作如此的比喻: Java在全球资讯网(World Wide Web, WWW)地位就如同电子表格(Spreadsheet)与个人计 算机TTP和FTP等TCP/IP通讯协定相配合。Java应用程序(Applications) 能在网路上开启及连结使用物件,就如同透过URLs连结使用一个本地文件系统(Local File System)。 健壮的(Robust):由Java所编写出的程序能在多种情况下执行而具有其稳定性。Java与 C/C++最大不同点是Java有一个指针模型(Pointer Model)来排除内存被覆盖(Overwriting Memory)和毁损数据(Corrupting Data)的可能性。

安全的(Secure):Java是被设计用于网络及分布式的环境中,安全性自必是一个很 重要的考虑。Java拥有数个阶层的互锁(Interlocking)保护措施,能有效地防止病 毒的侵入和破坏行为的发生。

结构中立的(Architecture Neutral):一般而言,网络是由很多不同机型的机器所 组合而成的,CPU和作业系统体系结构均有所不同;因此,如何使一个应用程序可以 在每一种机器上执行,是一个难题。所幸,Java的编译器产生一种结构中立的目标 文件格式(Object File Format);这使得编译码得以在很多种处理器中执行。

可移植的(Portable):原始资料型式的大小是被指定的,例如"float"一直是表示一 个32位元IEEE 754浮点运算数字,因绝大多数的CPU都具有此共同特征。程序库属于 系统的一部份,它定义了一些可移植的程序接口,Java本身具备有很好的可移植性。

解释的(Interpreted):Java解释器能直接地在任何机器上执行Java位元码(Bytecodes), 因此在进行程序连结时,时间的节省,这对于缩短程序的开发过程,有极大的帮助。

高效能的(High Performance):Java位元码迅速地能被转换成机器码(Machine Code), 从位元码转换到机器码的效能几乎与C与C++没有分别。

多线程的(Multi threaded):Java语言具有多线程的功能,这对于交互回应能力及 即时执行行为是有帮助的。

动态的(Dynamic):Java比C或C++语言更具有动态性,更能适应时刻在变的环境, Java不会因程序库的更新,而必须重新编译程序。

此外,Hank Shiffman (Making Sense of Java)亦针一般对Java的错误看法及观 念提出他的说明,特在此摘译如下:

"Java是一种编写Web Pages的一种语言,就如同HTML和VRML一样" 事实上,Java并不像是HTML此一类的描述语言(Description Language),而是一种 编程语言(Programming Language)。描述语言标明内容和位置,而编程语言描述一 种产生结果的过程。

2. "Java语言容易学习和使用,不像C、C++和其它程序语言"


3. "Java码是可移植的,但C及C++不是"

Java原代码(Source Code)是比C语言来得可移植一点,差别在于Java的目标码。 Java码在一种机器上进行编译,而能在所有的机器上执行, 只要那部机器上有 Java解释器。

4. "Java能被拓展而在机器上执行任何事情"

理论上,Java Applet (Java小应用程序)能做任何事情,如模拟3D VRML模型、播放电影、产生音频....等。但事实上,一个小应用程序(Applet)仅能在那一页上被执行,而无法在那一页之外执行。同时,Java亦受限于程序库的功能。

5. "Java是适合于建立大型的应用程序"

如果Java适合于大型程序,则Java就不适合应用于Web浏览器了。第一个商业 性的Java Applets (Applix's Java-Based Spreadsheet) 并不是全然使用Java, 它只使用Java作为用户接口,而所有的处理工作, 是用CGI码。

6. "Java是解释执行的,Basic是解释执行的,因此Java=Basic"


7. "Java删除了CGI命令稿(Scripts)和程序的需求"

Java Applets将会取代部份CGI的用途。在有些情况,Java Applets能够取代一些服务器端代码(Server-Side Code),但大多数的情况,基于安全性理由或是效 能的考虑,Java仍无法全然取代CGI Scripts。

8. "Netscape's JavaScript是与Java有相关"

除了名称之外,Java和JavaScript是有一点点相关。JavaScript是一种命令稿语 言,是可以在HTML页中使用。Java码并未出现在HTML中,而在HTML中通过一个链 结来链结编译码组。Java和JavaScript之间的关系就如同C语言和C Shell一般。



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