导航:首页 > 编程语言 > 美国警用无线电通讯代码


发布时间:2022-02-10 09:24:42

① 例:在美国军队里小队ABCD都有自己的名字。比如D小队叫Delta,R小队叫Romeo等等。我想知道这是什么代码

北约字母表 用于小队A=Alpha B=Bravo C=Charlie D=Delta E=Echo F=Foxtrot G=Golf H=Hotel I=India J=Juliet K=Kilo L=Lima M=Mike N=November O=Oscar P=Papa Q=Quebec R=Romeo S=Sierra T=Tango U=Uniform V=Victor W=Whiskey X=X-ray Y=Yankee Z=Zulu

② 电影里,美国警察自己报警的时候内容里面为什么加一个999。是不是特别严重的案子才说999


③ 无线电对话中的10-4和10-17是啥意思,类似这样的代码还有那些

在(无线电)通话后,经常会有“10-4”(读音ten four)的回复。
10-4 means 'Message understood' .最出起源于美国警属.

④ 美国警用无线电术语

习惯以 10 Code 沟通
这边把10 code PO 出来给各位参考~

10-00 Officer Down
(Ten-Double Zero)
10-0 Caution

10-1 Poor Reception
Unable to Copy

10-2 Good Reception
Signal Good
OK For Now, Continue With Status Checks

10-3 Stop Transmitting
Ok, No Further Status Checks Needed

10-4 Message Received

10-5 Pick up an item

10-6 Busy
Out At Call

10-7 Out of Service
Ending tour of Duty

10-8 Back In Service
On Duty
Available for next Call

10-9 Repeat

Code Meaning(s)
10-10 Fight In Progress
out of service, off ty
Permission to go on common channel (car to car transmission, rather than through dispatch)
transmission completed
welfare check
Other non-Criminal Event
On Break, Subject To Calls

10-11 Animal Problem
road-side check
talking too fast
alarm call
en route

10-12 Standby
visitors present
call in reports
at scene
check revocation

10-13 Advise Weather/Road Conditions
Officer in need of assistance

10-14 Suspicious Person/Report of Prowler
convoy or escort

10-15 Civil Disturbance
prisoner/suspect in custody
Check if Vehicle Stolen - People in or out rolling/stationary vehicle.

10-16 Domestic Disturbance
make pickup at ___
Vehicle Stolen

10-17 Meet Complainant
pick up papers at ___
urgent business
Vehicle Not Stolen
En Route

10-18 Urgent
complete assignment ASAP
anything for us?

10-19 Return to ______
Returning from Scene
Return/EnRoute To Station

10-20 Specify Location/My Location is ___

10-21 Please Call ___
Phone Call

10-22 Disregard
report to ___
send blood technician

10-23 Arrived at Location/On Scene
stand by on this frequency
status check
en route to call
sex offense

10-24 Assignment Completed
trouble at station
unit not available
direct traffic

10-25 Report to ___
Please Contact ___
Officer Needs Help

10-26 Detaining Suspect (implying "Please expedite")
check auto registration
ETA ___
disregard last info
phone residence

10-27 Request Drivers License Check
Vehicle Registration Request
I am moving to channel ___

10-28 Request Vehicle Registration Check
driver's license request
identify your station
missing person

10-29 Request Arrests/Warrants Check
time is up for contact
Stolen Vehicle

10-30 unauthorized use of radio
special check at ___

10-31 crime in progress
domestic disturbance
check for local warrants
suspicious person

10-32 person with gun
fight in progress
radio check
check NCIC
DWI test

10-33 emergency, all units stand by
officer needs help
disturbance at ___

10-34 riot
frequency open (cancels 10-33)
help needed
trouble at jail
correct time
meet officer

10-35 major crime alert
confidential information
suspicious person

10-36 correct time of day?
Confidential information

10-37 suspicious vehicle
identify yourself
wrecker needed at ___
time of day?

10-38 stopping suspicious vehicle
Traffic Stop
ambulance needed
station report satisfactory
phone communications

10-39 run with lights & siren
your message was delivered
Backing Up____
false alarm, premises were occupied
contact officer

10-40 run silent (no lights & siren)
false alarm, no activity, premises appears secure
please tune to channel ___
advise if available
suspicious person
dead animal
mental patient

10-41 begin ty
radio test
intoxicated person
debris in street
neighbor trouble

10-42 end ty
traffic accident at ___
malicious mischief
request dispatch times

10-43 information
traffic jam at ___
request criminal history
pick up passenger
armed robbery
rescue call

10-44 permission to leave patrol
I have a message for you
transmission received
traffic accident (no injury)

10-45 animal carcass
pick up officer
Drivers License/Warrant Check
fire alarm
fueling vehicle
all units in range please report
coffee break
traffic accident (injury)
non-injury accident (Kentucky)

10-46 motorist assist
motor vehicle accident (MVA)
lunch break
fuel break
injury accident (Kentucky)

10-47 emergency road repair
disorders and family trouble
call home
missing person
drunk driver
blood run
license plate check (Kentucky)

10-48 traffic control
request criminal history
runaway juvenile
use caution

10-49 traffic light out
EMERGENCY, clear air
en route to assignment
bathroom break
any traffic
serving warrant

10-50 accident Often referred to as a 10-50 PD (Property Damage), a 10-50 PI (Personal Injury), or (rarely) 10-50 F (Fire or Fatality)
no messages
break channel
auto accident with property damage

10-51 wrecker needed
auto accident with injuries
phone message

10-52 ambulance needed
Accident with Injuries
fatal auto accident
message for assignment

10-53 road blocked
silent alarm

10-54 animals on highway
Fatal Accident
silent pursuit
car stop

10-55 intoxicated driver or DWI
security check
ambulance call

10-56 intoxicated pedestrian
Intoxicated Driver
warrant indicated
arrived at scene

10-57 hit & run accident
Intoxicated Person
officer at pistol range

10-58 direct traffic
teleprinter message

10-59 escort or convoy
out of car checking violation
bomb threat

10-60 squad in vicinity
traffic stop
subject negative
what is next message number?
coffee break
assist motorist
major emergency

10-61 personnel in vicinity
subject has record - not wanted
stand by for CW traffic
clear of traffic stop
weather conditions?
lunch break

10-62 reply to message
subject possibly wanted
unable to , use phone
check for rising water
logged on/off

10-63 prepare to
subject positive
make written
net directed to ___
need barricades

10-64 local message
subject wanted
message for delivery
net clear, resume normal traffic
field investigator

10-65 net message assignment
assist officer re: 10-64

10-66 net message cancellation
subject in observation category
bathroom break

10-67 clear for next message
subject is parolee
prepare to
person calling for help
all units comply

10-68 dispatch message
subject in charged category
repeat dispatch
switch channels

10-69 message received
clear to transmission?
any calls holding for me?

10-70 fire alarm
fire followup
net message
chemical spill

10-71 Advise nature of fire

10-72 Report progress on fire

10-73 Smoke report

10-74 negative

10-75 In contact with...

10-76 enroute to location
fresh coffee

10-77 ETA

10-78 need assistance
major accident with injury
request wrecker

10-79 notify coroner
bomb threat
hit & run

10-80 pursuit in progress
bomb has exploded
tower lights out
on assignment

10-81 breathalyzer request
Burgalar Alarm
stop for interrogation
reserve hotel room
officer ___ will be at your station
at vehicle maintenance
civil disturbance/riot

10-82 reserve lodging
stop for interrogation/arrest
traffic signal out
cover assistance

10-83 work/school crossing detail
call station
units stop transmitting
at radio shop
officer in trouble

10-84 advise ETA
checking officer status
my telephone number is ___
broken utility main

10-85 arrival delay e to ___
prepare to info
my address is ___
loose livestock

10-86 officer on-ty
utility line down

10-87 pickup or prisoner transfer
pickup payroll check
dead body

10-88 advise telephone
station call
special assignment
true alarm

10-89 bomb threat
send radio repair
officer at academy

10-90 Alarm Going Off
Bank Alarm
radio repair to be at station
officer at headquarters
false alarm
officer in chief's office

10-91 pick up prisoner/suspect
talk closer to the mike
prepare your inspection
vehicle fuel
bank holp alarm

10-92 parking violation
your signal is weak
officer at court

10-93 blockage
please check my frequency

10-94 street racing
give me a long count

10-95 prisoner/suspect in custody
transmit dead carrier for 5 seconds

10-96 mental patient
detain prisoner/suspect

10-97 arrived at scene
test signal
possible wanted person in vehicle
known offender
officer at court

10-98 assignment complete
prison/jail break
criminal history indicated
officer at juvenile court

10-99 warrants/stolen indicated
officer needs assistance/held hostage
mission complete
unable to receive your signal
bathroom break

10-100 bathroom break
Misdemeanor Warrant
dead body
hot pursuit

10-109 suicide

10-200 police needed
narcotics, drugs involved

10-600 livestock down

10-1000 Felony Warrant

11-10 Take report
11-24 Abandoned vehicle
11-25 Road/traffic hazard
11-26 Inoperable vehicle
11-41 Send ambulance
11-42 Send paramedics
11-44 Possible fatality
11-48 Provide transport
11-66 Defective traffic light
11-79 Collision has occurred; ambulance en route
11-80 Collision w/ major injury
11-81 Collision w/ minor injury
11-82 Collision w/ property damage only
11-84 Manual traffic control needed
11-85 Tow truck needed
11-86 Bomb threat
11-87 Bomb found
11-98 Meet
11-99 Under attack, immediate assistance required

⑤ 美国警察部门无线电呼叫为什么是officers down

在队友被击中,呼叫时是“XX倒下了!” 倒下,可能是负伤也可能已经死亡,但确认死亡是要送医院由军医宣布的。 所以在无线电呼叫中会用down

⑥ 国际通用无线电呼号代码中ABC这些是什么意思

字母解释法,标注的单词没有其他意义,其作用就是标注所对应的英文字母。这个字母解释法主要是为了在无线电通信过程中解释呼号或其他英文缩写等。例如,我的呼号是BG4OFI,你可能会听成BG4OFR。我在报出呼号BG4OFI后,用字母解释法再解释一遍Bravo God four Oscar Foxtrot India ,这样你就能准确地记录我的呼号了。

⑦ 美国警察无线电通讯中code three什么意思

Code3指行动代号3 打开警灯 警笛长鸣
数字代码是美警的交流语言 还有很多例如10-20是指位置 发生211事件是指抢劫 为了防止警察通话被别人听了去所以就有了这些“黑话”

还有一个原因是 早期对讲机 按住说话键时 一句话的第一二个单词会发不出去 想了个办法就干脆用数字代替 这样即使ten/code单词没发射出去但是听数字也知道

⑧ 最经经常看到美国电视剧里把“警察”叫做“5-0”,把凶杀案叫做“10-55”,为什么呢

10-55是nypd无线电代码:EMS call PD not needed,翻译过来就是呼叫救护车和不需要警探2个意思。为什么呼叫救护车却又不急着找警探呢?因为命案已经发生,死人需要收尸而当时在场的人里有警探,暂时不需要其他警探。(EMS是救援医疗服务,呼叫EMS就是叫救护车的意思了,pd就是police detective,警探,也就是我们俗话说的探长)
1937年,在当时,美国**使用的无线电的电量是有限的,为了减少通话的时间,一个名为Charles Hopper的伊利诺斯州**局的通讯主任发明了这种代码。因为当时无线电需要在按下开关后0.1(10分之一)到0.4秒后才能使用,所以在代码前面加上10也是为了给无线电有足够的时间充好电来运转。

⑨ 无线电通讯中的“ten-four”代表什么意思

英文解释:"Ten four": the words are used to indicate a message is received, understood and compliance will follow, if required.

无线电通信(radio communications)是将需要传送的声音、文字、数据、图像等电信号调制在无线电波上经空间和地面传至对方的通信方式,利用无线电磁波在空间传输信息的通信方式。

⑩ 美警code1-code100分别对应了什么









Ten-code的概念最早出现于1937年,发明代码的是美国伊利诺伊州警察通信总监Charles "Charlie" Hoppe。实际上,这组代码全部都是以10开头,真正表达内容的是后缀的数字(1~100),这是由于当时使用的真空管无线电设备,从按下发射键到电台达到满功率发射要经过1/10~1/4秒的间隔,因此当操作者用手按下电台PTT按键的同时开始说话,那么最开头说的一个字或一个音节很可能会由于发射延迟而没有发出去。所以代码以10开头,保证有效信息被发送。Ten-code于1974年被国际公共安全通信委员会Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International(APCO)正式定义为一种标准化代码,并被美国执法机构一直沿用至今。另外值得一提的是,Ten-code代码十分简洁,除了无线电通讯之外,在可是距离内用书写甚至手势也能表达,无声而隐蔽。

然而,Ten-code代码也存在一定的缺陷,那就是对于同一个代码,不同的机构组织可能会赋予其不同的含义。当多个部门需要协同展开行动时,这一差异就会给信息交流带来误差。例如,美国美国联邦急救管理署United States Federal Emergency Management Agency在对2005年飓风“卡塔琳娜”的救援行动进行总结时,就曾经提出过这个问题,并建议在之后的跨部门合作响应行动中,应禁止使用Ten-code代码。

当然,Ten-code不仅被用于警员执勤时的无线电通联,也会自然而然地被应用于日常口语对话中(最常用的就该属10-4 means 'Message understood')。还有部电影,笔者已经记不起名字是什么了,男主是个警员,老婆和闺蜜外出逛街,他独自在家带孩子,结果根本应付不了,只好打电话向媳妇求助,电话刚一接通他就抱着孩子大喊“CODE3!CODE3!”



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