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发布时间:2023-07-22 20:34:07



Ⅱ 对数字商业的看法120字英语作文

数字商务(Digital Commerce)是指利用互联网、物联网、无线通信等通信技术和数据分析手段将商务的流程、渠道、营销、运营等流程数字化、互联网化、智能化。




Ⅲ 跪求写一篇数据科学与大数据技术对社会的 贡献的英语作文,不少于200字。急用急用。


Ⅳ 大数据的优势在哪里



• 更精准的决策 :在NewVantage Partners公司调查中,36.2%的受访者表示更好的决策是他们大数据分析工作的首要目标。此外,84.1%的受访者表示已开始朝着这一目标努力,59.0%的受访者表示取得了一些可衡量的成功,其总体成功率为69.0%。大数据分析可以为业务决策者提供他们所需的数据驱动的洞察力,以帮助企业开展竞争和业务发展。

• 提高生产力 :来自供应商Syncsort公司的另一项调查发现,59.9%的受访者使用Hadoop和Spark等大数据工具来提高业务的工作效率。现代大数据工具使分析师能够更快地分析更多数据,从而提高个人生产力。此外,从这些分析中获得的见解通常使组织能够在整个公司内更广泛地提高生产力。

• 降低成本 :Syncsort公司和NewVantage公司的调查均发现大数据分析正在帮助企业降低成本。近五分之三(59.4%)的受访者表示Syncsort公司的大数据工具帮助他们提高了运营效率,并降低了成本,NewVantage公司的调查中,约三分之二(66.7%)的受访者表示他们已开始使用大数据来降低成本。然而有趣的是,只有13.0%的受访者选择降低成本作为大数据分析的主要目标,这表明对于许多人而言,这只是一个非常受欢迎的附带好处。

• 改善客户服务 :在NewVantage公司调查的受访者中,改善客户服务是大数据分析项目的第二个最常见的主要目标,53.4%的受访者表示在这方面取得了一些成功。社交媒体、客户关系管理(CRM)系统、其他客户为当今的企业提供了大量有关其客户的信息,他们很自然地会使用这些数据来更好地为这些客户提供服务。

• 欺诈检测 :大数据分析的另一个常见用途用于欺诈检测,特别是在金融服务行业。依赖于机器学习的大数据分析系统的一大优势是它们在检测模式和异常方面非常出色。这些能力可以让银行和信用卡公司能够发现被盗信用卡或欺诈性购买,并且通常是在持卡人知道出现问题之前发现问题。

• 增加收入 :当组织使用大数据来改善决策并改善客户服务时,增加收入通常是一个自然的结果。在Syncsort公司的调查中,超过一半的受访者(54.7%)表示他们正在使用大数据工具来增加收入,并根据更好的洞察力加速增长。

• 提高灵活性 :同样,从Syncsort公司的调查报告中,41.7%的受访者表示大数据的好处之一是能够提高业务/IT敏捷性。许多组织正在使用其大数据来更好地调整其IT和业务工作,并且他们正在使用他们的分析来支持更快、更频繁地更改其业务战略和策略。

• 更好的创新 :创新是大数据的另一个共同利益,NewVantage公司的调查发现,11.6%的高管正在投资分析,主要是作为创新和颠覆市场的手段。他们认为,如果他们能够收集竞争对手所没有的见解,他们就可以通过新产品和服务领先于其他企业。

• 上市速度 :在这些方面,很多企业表示将使用大数据来加快产品上市速度。只有8.8%的受访者表示这是大数据的首要目标,但53.6%受访者已经开始朝着这个目标努力,其中54.1%的受访者表示取得了一些成功。大数据的这种优势也可能带来额外的好处,例如更快的增长和更高的收入。

更多资讯请关注: 辰宇智搜

Ⅳ 关于贵阳大数据的高中英语作文



Ⅵ 求一篇与大数据或者大数据信息安全专业相关的原版英文文献及其翻译,3000字左右。好人,拜托!

Big data refers to the huge volume of data that cannot
be stored and processed with in a time frame in
traditional file system.
The next question comes in mind is how big this data
needs to be in order to classify as a big data. There is a
lot of misconception in referring a term big data. We
usually refer a data to be big if its size is in gigabyte,
terabyte, Petabyte or Exabyte or anything larger than
this size. This does not define a big data completely.
Even a small amount of file can be referred to as a big
data depending upon the content is being used.
Let’s just take an example to make it clear. If we attach
a 100 MB file to an email, we cannot be able to do so.
As a email does not support an attachment of this size.
Therefore with respect to an email, this 100mb file
can be referred to as a big data. Similarly if we want to
process 1 TB of data in a given time frame, we cannot
do this with a traditional system since the resource
with it is not sufficient to accomplish this task.
As you are aware of various social sites such as
Facebook, twitter, Google+, LinkedIn or YouTube
contains data in huge amount. But as the users are
growing on these social sites, the storing and processing
the enormous data is becoming a challenging task.
Storing this data is important for various firms to
generate huge revenue which is not possible with a
traditional file system. Here is what Hadoop comes in
the existence.
Big Data simply means that huge amount
of structured, unstructured and semi-structured
data that has the ability to be processed for information. Now a days massive amount of data
proced because of growth in technology,
digitalization and by a variety of sources, including
business application transactions, videos, picture ,
electronic mails, social media, and so on. So to process
these data the big data concept is introced.
Structured data: a data that does have a proper format
associated to it known as structured data. For example
the data stored in database files or data stored in excel
Semi-Structured Data: A data that does not have a
proper format associated to it known as structured data.
For example the data stored in mail files or in docx.
Unstructured data: a data that does not have any format
associated to it known as structured data. For example
an image files, audio files and video files.
Big data is categorized into 3 v’s associated with it that
are as follows:[1]
Volume: It is the amount of data to be generated i.e.
in a huge quantity.
Velocity: It is the speed at which the data getting
Variety: It refers to the different kind data which is
A. Challenges Faced by Big Data
There are two main challenges faced by big data [2]
i. How to store and manage huge volume of data
ii. How do we process and extract valuable
information from huge volume data within a given
time frame.
These main challenges lead to the development of
hadoop framework.
Hadoop is an open source framework developed by
ck cutting in 2006 and managed by the apache
software foundation. Hadoop was named after yellow
toy elephant.
Hadoop was designed to store and process data
efficiently. Hadoop framework comprises of two main
components that are:
i. HDFS: It stands for Hadoop distributed file
system which takes care of storage of data within
hadoop cluster.
ii. MAPREDUCE: it takes care of a processing of a
data that is present in the HDFS.
Now let’s just have a look on Hadoop cluster:
Here in this there are two nodes that are Master Node
and slave node.
Master node is responsible for Name node and Job
Tracker demon. Here node is technical term used to
denote machine present in the cluster and demon is
the technical term used to show the background
processes running on a Linux machine.
The slave node on the other hand is responsible for
running the data node and the task tracker demons.
The name node and data node are responsible for
storing and managing the data and commonly referred
to as storage node. Whereas the job tracker and task
tracker is responsible for processing and computing a
data and commonly known as Compute node.
Normally the name node and job tracker runs on a
single machine whereas a data node and task tracker
runs on different machines.
B. Features Of Hadoop:[3]
i. Cost effective system: It does not require any
special hardware. It simply can be implemented
in a common machine technically known as
commodity hardware.
ii. Large cluster of nodes: A hadoop system can
support a large number of nodes which provides
a huge storage and processing system.
iii. Parallel processing: a hadoop cluster provide the
accessibility to access and manage data parallel
which saves a lot of time.
iv. Distributed data: it takes care of splinting and
distributing of data across all nodes within a cluster
.it also replicates the data over the entire cluster.
v. Automatic failover management: once and AFM
is configured on a cluster, the admin needs not to
worry about the failed machine. Hadoop replicates
the configuration Here one of each data iscopied or replicated to the node in the same rack
and the hadoop take care of the internetworking
between two racks.
vi. Data locality optimization: This is the most
powerful thing of hadoop which make it the most
efficient feature. Here if a person requests for a
huge data which relies in some other place, the
machine will sends the code of that data and then
other person compiles it and use it in particular
as it saves a log to bandwidth
vii. Heterogeneous cluster: node or machine can be
of different vendor and can be working on
different flavor of operating systems.
viii. Scalability: in hadoop adding a machine or
removing a machine does not effect on a cluster.
Even the adding or removing the component of
machine does not.
C. Hadoop Architecture
Hadoop comprises of two components
Hadoop distributes big data in several chunks and store
data in several nodes within a cluster which
significantly reces the time.
Hadoop replicates each part of data into each machine
that are present within the cluster.
The no. of copies replicated depends on the replication
factor. By default the replication factor is 3. Therefore
in this case there are 3 copies to each data on 3 different

reference:Mahajan, P., Gaba, G., & Chauhan, N. S. (2016). Big Data Security. IITM Journal of Management and IT, 7(1), 89-94.

Ⅶ 随着大数据时代英文

摘要:As the big data era, all kinds of data in the society is growing at a rapid speed, the library also inevitably faced with the impact of the wave data information. This paper analyses the characteristics of data, data source library management, focusing on the large data will be brought about by the challenge, the final analysis of the times books management development direction of large data. Mainly includes the influence on library management of large data: data of complex data processing test library computing power, data analysis to the mining depth of traditional requirements for Library Infrastructure challenges and big data era. Future library management from the exploratory data analysis tools and technology, attach importance to the construction of infrastructure and data collection, improving several books management intelligent degree of development. Keywords large structured data and unstructured Library

Ⅷ 英语作文大数据和我们的生活

First,I think my life is healthy.I'm allowed to play computer games every day.So I could be relaxed myself.Then,I go to school on foot,beacuse it isn't far from my home.I am healthy.I also paly football after school.Finally,I sleep eight hours every night.I get up early.I often have a quick breakfast,and take a shower.
In a word,I think it's necessary for us to keep in a good health.

Ⅸ "大数据"怎样用英文表述呢

大数据的英文翻译是big data。




big block data称为大区块资料 ; 大区块资料

Big Bang Data数据大爆炸

Big Earth Data地球大数据

Big Brain Data大脑巨量资料

Big Complex Data大型复杂数据






3、 themselves.


4、Ifyourservicedeals withbigdata,that's howthey'rerelated.


5、Whatis therelationshiptoSOA?Related tothisisBigData, how isitrelatedtoSOA?




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