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jsF中 face-config 中的 managed bean 能不能自動生成啊


㈡ JSF中<h:form>和<h:datatable>的區別

<h:form> 是表單,提交用的.
<h:datatable> 是取數據用的.和Table差不多.但是它有自動循環功能
<h:dataTable value="#{User.list}"> 他可以自動循環返回的LIST

faces-config.xml 代碼
Response for identify the user accessing this application.

xhtml 部分代碼
<rich:dataTable value="#{User.list}" var="l" rowKeyVar="rekeyVar"> //自動循環User類 裡面的 list
<h:column rendered="true">
<h:outputText value="#{l.username}"/>
<h:column >
<h:outputText value="#{l.password}"></h:outputText>

//java 部分代碼
private Use use;
private List<Use> list;

public User() {
list =new ArrayList<Use>();
for(int i=0;i<6;i++){
Use use =new Use();

㈢ jsf導航配置文件的問題

<!-- filters.xml starts -->
<!-- context-params.xml does not work. put here -->





/WEB-INF/模塊二.xml, /WEB-INF/模塊三.xml

This parameter tells MyFaces if javascript code should be allowed in the
rendered HTML output.
If javascript is allowed, command_link anchors will have javascript code
that submits the corresponding form.
If javascript is not allowed, the state saving info and nested parameters
will be added as url parameters.
Default: "true"

This parameter tells MyFaces if javascript code should be allowed in the
rendered HTML output.
If javascript is allowed, command_link anchors will have javascript code
that submits the corresponding form.
If javascript is not allowed, the state saving info and nested parameters
will be added as url parameters.
Default: "false"

Setting this param to true should be combined with STATE_SAVING_METHOD "server" for
best results.

This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature. You also have to enable the detector filter/filter mapping below to get
JavaScript detection working.


If true, rendered HTML code will be formatted, so that it is "human readable".
i.e. additional line separators and whitespace will be written, that do not
influence the HTML code.
Default: "true"

If true, a javascript function will be rendered that is able to restore the
former vertical scroll on every request. Convenient feature if you have pages
with long lists and you do not want the browser page to always jump to the top
if you trigger a link or button action that stays on the same page.
Default: "false"

<!-- WelcomeFile Filter -->
<filter-name>WelcomeFile Filter</filter-name>
Due to the manner in which the JSP / servlet lifecycle
functions, it is not currently possible to specify default
welcome files for a web application and map them to the
MyFacesServlet. Normally they will be mapped to the
default servlet for the JSP container. To offset this
shortcoming, we utilize a servlet Filter which examines
the URI of all incoming requests.

<!-- JavaScriptDetector Filter -->


<display-name>Ajax4jsf Filter</display-name>
<!-- filters.xml ends -->



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