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jsP中如何獲取radio 或checkbox的值


② 如何設置jsp文件的輸入框居中(小白一枚需要完整代碼


在表單外回面加個div 設置答 align屬性: center.

③ jsp如何用c標簽實現分頁










④ JSP使用iText創建PDF中的問題

fcfiker 來記錄的word文件, 然後設計一個模板後 用itext轉換成平pdf

⑤ 為什麼js放在html頁面中起作用,單獨放到js頁面調用就不起作用呢



⑥ JSP如何設置字體的位置,比如中間靠左,即left跟center中間,怎麼弄

你這個問題很糾結,中間靠左 你可以用css定位 設置 試試

⑦ jsp頁面中select標簽中怎麼加checkbox實現多選





<td width="400px" align="left">入學批次:<SELECT NAME="grade"

id="grade" onchange="refreshELevelAndSpecialAjax();"> //選擇入學批次會刷新層次和專業



<c:forEach items="${gradeInfo}" var="gradeInfo">

<OPTION VALUE="${gradeInfo.gradeName}">${gradeInfo.gradeName}



<td width="400px" align="left">統考課程:<SELECT

NAME="uniExamCourseId" id="uniExamCourseId">



<c:forEach items="${unifiedExamCourseList}" var="uniExamCourse">

<OPTION VALUE="${uniExamCourse.id}">${uniExamCourse.uniExamCourseName}





<td colspan="2" id="refreshELevelAndSpecialAjax"> //設置ID,用於填充層次和專業的下拉框



<td width="400" align="left">層 次:<SELECT

NAME="eLevelId" id="eLevelId"

onchange="refreshSpecialAjax();"> //選擇層次後刷新專業

<OPTION VALUE="0">--請選擇--</OPTION>

<c:forEach items="${ecationLevel}" var="ecationLevel">

<OPTION VALUE="${ecationLevel.id}">${ecationLevel.ecationLevelName}



<td width="400" align="left" id="refreshSpecialAjax">專 業:<SELECT //設置ID,用於填充專業的下拉框

NAME="specialId" id="specialId">

<OPTION VALUE="0">--請選擇--</OPTION>

<c:forEach items="${specialList}" var="special">

<OPTION VALUE="${special.id}">${special.specialName}








⑧ JSP MD5加密解密問題。

package com.asset.core.util;
* MD5 加密處理類
* @author 楊柯
* @version 1.0
import java.lang.reflect.*;
md5 類實現了RSA Data Security, Inc.在提交給IETF
的RFC1321中的MD5 message-digest 演算法。

public class MD5 {
/* 下面這些S11-S44實際上是一個4*4的矩陣,在原始的C實現中是用#define 實現的,
這里把它們實現成為static final是表示了只讀,切能在同一個進程空間內的多個
static final int S11 = 7;
static final int S12 = 12;
static final int S13 = 17;
static final int S14 = 22;

static final int S21 = 5;
static final int S22 = 9;
static final int S23 = 14;
static final int S24 = 20;

static final int S31 = 4;
static final int S32 = 11;
static final int S33 = 16;
static final int S34 = 23;

static final int S41 = 6;
static final int S42 = 10;
static final int S43 = 15;
static final int S44 = 21;

static final byte[] PADDING = { -128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/* 下面的三個成員是MD5計算過程中用到的3個核心數據,在原始的C實現中

private long[] state = new long[4]; // state (ABCD)
private long[] count = new long[2]; // number of bits, molo 2^64 (lsb first)
private byte[] buffer = new byte[64]; // input buffer

/* digestHexStr是MD5的唯一一個公共成員,是最新一次計算結果的
public String digestHexStr;

/* digest,是最新一次計算結果的2進制內部表示,表示128bit的MD5值.
private byte[] digest = new byte[16];

public String getMD5ofStr(String inbuf) {
md5Update(inbuf.getBytes(), inbuf.length());
digestHexStr = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
digestHexStr += byteHEX(digest[i]);
return digestHexStr.substring(0,11);

// 這是MD5這個類的標准構造函數,JavaBean要求有一個public的並且沒有參數的構造函數��
private MD5() {


private static MD5 md5=new MD5();

public static MD5 getInstance(){
return MD5.md5;
/* md5Init是一個初始化函數,初始化核心變數,裝入標準的幻數 */
private void md5Init() {
count[0] = 0L;
count[1] = 0L;
///* Load magic initialization constants.

state[0] = 0x67452301L;
state[1] = 0xefcdab89L;
state[2] = 0x98badcfeL;
state[3] = 0x10325476L;

/* F, G, H ,I 是4個基本的MD5函數,在原始的MD5的C實現中,由於它們是
實現成了private方法,名字保持了原來C中的。 */

private long F(long x, long y, long z) {
return (x & y) | ((~x) & z);

private long G(long x, long y, long z) {
return (x & z) | (y & (~z));

private long H(long x, long y, long z) {
return x ^ y ^ z;

private long I(long x, long y, long z) {
return y ^ (x | (~z));

FF, GG, HH, and II transformations for rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Rotation is separate from addition to prevent recomputation.

private long FF(long a, long b, long c, long d, long x, long s,
long ac) {
a += F (b, c, d) + x + ac;
a = ((int) a << s) | ((int) a >>> (32 - s));
a += b;
return a;

private long GG(long a, long b, long c, long d, long x, long s,
long ac) {
a += G (b, c, d) + x + ac;
a = ((int) a << s) | ((int) a >>> (32 - s));
a += b;
return a;
private long HH(long a, long b, long c, long d, long x, long s,
long ac) {
a += H (b, c, d) + x + ac;
a = ((int) a << s) | ((int) a >>> (32 - s));
a += b;
return a;
private long II(long a, long b, long c, long d, long x, long s,
long ac) {
a += I (b, c, d) + x + ac;
a = ((int) a << s) | ((int) a >>> (32 - s));
a += b;
return a;
private void md5Update(byte[] inbuf, int inputLen) {

int i, index, partLen;
byte[] block = new byte[64];
index = (int)(count[0] >>> 3) & 0x3F;
// /* Update number of bits */
if ((count[0] += (inputLen << 3)) < (inputLen << 3))
count[1] += (inputLen >>> 29);

partLen = 64 - index;

// Transform as many times as possible.
if (inputLen >= partLen) {
md5Memcpy(buffer, inbuf, index, 0, partLen);

for (i = partLen; i + 63 < inputLen; i += 64) {

md5Memcpy(block, inbuf, 0, i, 64);
md5Transform (block);
index = 0;

} else

i = 0;

///* Buffer remaining input */
md5Memcpy(buffer, inbuf, index, i, inputLen - i);


private void md5Final () {
byte[] bits = new byte[8];
int index, padLen;

///* Save number of bits */
Encode (bits, count, 8);

///* Pad out to 56 mod 64.
index = (int)(count[0] >>> 3) & 0x3f;
padLen = (index < 56) ? (56 - index) : (120 - index);
md5Update (PADDING, padLen);

///* Append length (before padding) */
md5Update(bits, 8);

///* Store state in digest */
Encode (digest, state, 16);


/* md5Memcpy是一個內部使用的byte數組的塊拷貝函數,從input的inpos開始把len長度的

private void md5Memcpy (byte[] output, byte[] input,
int outpos, int inpos, int len)
int i;

for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
output[outpos + i] = input[inpos + i];

private void md5Transform (byte block[]) {
long a = state[0], b = state[1], c = state[2], d = state[3];
long[] x = new long[16];

Decode (x, block, 64);

/* Round 1 */
a = FF (a, b, c, d, x[0], S11, 0xd76aa478L); /* 1 */
d = FF (d, a, b, c, x[1], S12, 0xe8c7b756L); /* 2 */
c = FF (c, d, a, b, x[2], S13, 0x242070dbL); /* 3 */
b = FF (b, c, d, a, x[3], S14, 0xc1bdceeeL); /* 4 */
a = FF (a, b, c, d, x[4], S11, 0xf57c0fafL); /* 5 */
d = FF (d, a, b, c, x[5], S12, 0x4787c62aL); /* 6 */
c = FF (c, d, a, b, x[6], S13, 0xa8304613L); /* 7 */
b = FF (b, c, d, a, x[7], S14, 0xfd469501L); /* 8 */
a = FF (a, b, c, d, x[8], S11, 0x698098d8L); /* 9 */
d = FF (d, a, b, c, x[9], S12, 0x8b44f7afL); /* 10 */
c = FF (c, d, a, b, x[10], S13, 0xffff5bb1L); /* 11 */
b = FF (b, c, d, a, x[11], S14, 0x895cd7beL); /* 12 */
a = FF (a, b, c, d, x[12], S11, 0x6b901122L); /* 13 */
d = FF (d, a, b, c, x[13], S12, 0xfd987193L); /* 14 */
c = FF (c, d, a, b, x[14], S13, 0xa679438eL); /* 15 */
b = FF (b, c, d, a, x[15], S14, 0x49b40821L); /* 16 */

/* Round 2 */
a = GG (a, b, c, d, x[1], S21, 0xf61e2562L); /* 17 */
d = GG (d, a, b, c, x[6], S22, 0xc040b340L); /* 18 */
c = GG (c, d, a, b, x[11], S23, 0x265e5a51L); /* 19 */
b = GG (b, c, d, a, x[0], S24, 0xe9b6c7aaL); /* 20 */
a = GG (a, b, c, d, x[5], S21, 0xd62f105dL); /* 21 */
d = GG (d, a, b, c, x[10], S22, 0x2441453L); /* 22 */
c = GG (c, d, a, b, x[15], S23, 0xd8a1e681L); /* 23 */
b = GG (b, c, d, a, x[4], S24, 0xe7d3fbc8L); /* 24 */
a = GG (a, b, c, d, x[9], S21, 0x21e1cde6L); /* 25 */
d = GG (d, a, b, c, x[14], S22, 0xc33707d6L); /* 26 */
c = GG (c, d, a, b, x[3], S23, 0xf4d50d87L); /* 27 */
b = GG (b, c, d, a, x[8], S24, 0x455a14edL); /* 28 */
a = GG (a, b, c, d, x[13], S21, 0xa9e3e905L); /* 29 */
d = GG (d, a, b, c, x[2], S22, 0xfcefa3f8L); /* 30 */
c = GG (c, d, a, b, x[7], S23, 0x676f02d9L); /* 31 */
b = GG (b, c, d, a, x[12], S24, 0x8d2a4c8aL); /* 32 */

/* Round 3 */
a = HH (a, b, c, d, x[5], S31, 0xfffa3942L); /* 33 */
d = HH (d, a, b, c, x[8], S32, 0x8771f681L); /* 34 */
c = HH (c, d, a, b, x[11], S33, 0x6d9d6122L); /* 35 */
b = HH (b, c, d, a, x[14], S34, 0xfde5380cL); /* 36 */
a = HH (a, b, c, d, x[1], S31, 0xa4beea44L); /* 37 */
d = HH (d, a, b, c, x[4], S32, 0x4bdecfa9L); /* 38 */
c = HH (c, d, a, b, x[7], S33, 0xf6bb4b60L); /* 39 */
b = HH (b, c, d, a, x[10], S34, 0xbebfbc70L); /* 40 */
a = HH (a, b, c, d, x[13], S31, 0x289b7ec6L); /* 41 */
d = HH (d, a, b, c, x[0], S32, 0xeaa127faL); /* 42 */
c = HH (c, d, a, b, x[3], S33, 0xd4ef3085L); /* 43 */
b = HH (b, c, d, a, x[6], S34, 0x4881d05L); /* 44 */
a = HH (a, b, c, d, x[9], S31, 0xd9d4d039L); /* 45 */
d = HH (d, a, b, c, x[12], S32, 0xe6db99e5L); /* 46 */
c = HH (c, d, a, b, x[15], S33, 0x1fa27cf8L); /* 47 */
b = HH (b, c, d, a, x[2], S34, 0xc4ac5665L); /* 48 */

/* Round 4 */
a = II (a, b, c, d, x[0], S41, 0xf4292244L); /* 49 */
d = II (d, a, b, c, x[7], S42, 0x432aff97L); /* 50 */
c = II (c, d, a, b, x[14], S43, 0xab9423a7L); /* 51 */
b = II (b, c, d, a, x[5], S44, 0xfc93a039L); /* 52 */
a = II (a, b, c, d, x[12], S41, 0x655b59c3L); /* 53 */
d = II (d, a, b, c, x[3], S42, 0x8f0ccc92L); /* 54 */
c = II (c, d, a, b, x[10], S43, 0xffeff47dL); /* 55 */
b = II (b, c, d, a, x[1], S44, 0x85845dd1L); /* 56 */
a = II (a, b, c, d, x[8], S41, 0x6fa87e4fL); /* 57 */
d = II (d, a, b, c, x[15], S42, 0xfe2ce6e0L); /* 58 */
c = II (c, d, a, b, x[6], S43, 0xa3014314L); /* 59 */
b = II (b, c, d, a, x[13], S44, 0x4e0811a1L); /* 60 */
a = II (a, b, c, d, x[4], S41, 0xf7537e82L); /* 61 */
d = II (d, a, b, c, x[11], S42, 0xbd3af235L); /* 62 */
c = II (c, d, a, b, x[2], S43, 0x2ad7d2bbL); /* 63 */
b = II (b, c, d, a, x[9], S44, 0xeb86d391L); /* 64 */

state[0] += a;
state[1] += b;
state[2] += c;
state[3] += d;


private void Encode (byte[] output, long[] input, int len) {
int i, j;

for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j += 4) {
output[j] = (byte)(input[i] & 0xffL);
output[j + 1] = (byte)((input[i] >>> 8) & 0xffL);
output[j + 2] = (byte)((input[i] >>> 16) & 0xffL);
output[j + 3] = (byte)((input[i] >>> 24) & 0xffL);

private void Decode (long[] output, byte[] input, int len) {
int i, j;

for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j += 4)
output[i] = b2iu(input[j]) |
(b2iu(input[j + 1]) << 8) |
(b2iu(input[j + 2]) << 16) |
(b2iu(input[j + 3]) << 24);


public static long b2iu(byte b) {
return b < 0 ? b & 0x7F + 128 : b;

public static String byteHEX(byte ib) {
char[] Digit = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',
'A','B','C','D','E','F' };
char [] ob = new char[2];
ob[0] = Digit[(ib >>> 4) & 0X0F];
ob[1] = Digit[ib & 0X0F];
String s = new String(ob);
return s;

public static void main(String args[]) {

MD5 m = new MD5();
if (Array.getLength(args) == 0) { //如果沒有參數,執行標準的Test Suiteִ�б�׼��Test Suite

System.out.println("MD5 Test suite:");
System.out.println("admin: "+m.getMD5ofStr("admin"));
System.out.println("MD5(\"message digest\"):"+m.getMD5ofStr("message digest"));
System.out.println("MD5(" + args[0] + ")=" + m.getMD5ofStr(args[0]));





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