導航:首頁 > 編程語言 > howlerjsios


發布時間:2023-07-17 07:31:01

A. Howler.js為什麼有時候播放沒聲音

B. 一款很好用的 Vue audio 插件 vue-audio-better

Type: String[] - Required

An array of audio file urls

Type: Boolean - Default: false

Whether to force HTML5 Audio

Type: Boolean - Default: false

Whether to start the playback again
automatically after it is done playing

Type: Boolean - Default: true

Whether to start downloading the audio
file when the component is mounted

Type: Boolean - Default: false

Whether to start the playback
when the component is mounted

Type: String[] - Default: []

Howler.js automatically detects your file format from the extension,
but you may also specify a format in situations where extraction won't work
(such as with a SoundCloud stream)

Type: Boolean - Default: false

Whether to enable the withCredentials flag on XHR requests
used to fetch audio files when using Web Audio API ( see reference )

Bundle the js to the dist folder:





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