導航:首頁 > 編程語言 > javascript讀取csv


發布時間:2020-12-21 04:09:26

『壹』 如何使用javaScript構建機器學習模型


『貳』 如何在客戶端JavaScript讀取本地的CSV文件


『叄』 javascript 讀取csv文件



建議你使用其他 語言來讀excel及csv


『肆』 javascript怎麼修改csv文件內容


『伍』 javascript怎麼修改csv文件

<script type="text/javascript">
// This will parse a delimited string into an array of
// arrays. The default delimiter is the comma, but this
// can be overriden in the second argument.
function CSVToArray( strData, strDelimiter ){
// Check to see if the delimiter is defined. If not,
// then default to comma.
strDelimiter = (strDelimiter || ",");

// Create a regular expression to parse the CSV values.
var objPattern = new RegExp(
// Delimiters.
"(\\" + strDelimiter + "|\\r?\\n|\\r|^)" +

// Quoted fields.
"(?:\"([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)\"|" +

// Standard fields.
"([^\"\\" + strDelimiter + "\\r\\n]*))"

// Create an array to hold our data. Give the array
// a default empty first row.
var arrData = [[]];

// Create an array to hold our indivial pattern
// matching groups.
var arrMatches = null;

// Keep looping over the regular expression matches
// until we can no longer find a match.
while (arrMatches = objPattern.exec( strData )){

// Get the delimiter that was found.
var strMatchedDelimiter = arrMatches[ 1 ];

// Check to see if the given delimiter has a length
// (is not the start of string) and if it matches
// field delimiter. If id does not, then we know
// that this delimiter is a row delimiter.
if (
strMatchedDelimiter.length &&
(strMatchedDelimiter != strDelimiter)

// Since we have reached a new row of data,
// add an empty row to our data array.
arrData.push( [] );


// Now that we have our delimiter out of the way,
// let's check to see which kind of value we
// captured (quoted or unquoted).
if (arrMatches[ 2 ]){

// We found a quoted value. When we capture
// this value, unescape any double quotes.
var strMatchedValue = arrMatches[ 2 ].replace(
new RegExp( "\"\"", "g" ),

} else {

// We found a non-quoted value.
var strMatchedValue = arrMatches[ 3 ];


// Now that we have our value string, let's add
// it to the data array.
arrData[ arrData.length - 1 ].push( strMatchedValue );

// Return the parsed data.
return( arrData );


『陸』 JavaScript 如何讀取資料庫CSV文件,然後再Cesium中運用其中兩列




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