① 高本漢的學術評價
《中國音韻學研究》(Etudes sur la phonologiechinoise,陸續發表於1915—1926間)
《北京話語音讀本》(A Mandarin Phonetic Reader in the Pekinese Dialect,斯德哥爾摩,1918)《中土王國的字與筆》 (Ordet och Pennan i Mittens Rike,瑞典語,1918)
《19世紀的東亞》 (Östasien under nittonde århundradet,瑞典語,1920)
《漢語語音與漢語言字》(Sound and Symbol in Chinese,倫敦,英語,1923)
《中日漢字分析字典》(Analytical Dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese,1923)
《中國和日本的宗教》(Kinas og Japan Religioner,哥本哈根,1924)
《中國的思想世界》 (Från Kinas tankevärld,瑞典語,1929)
《古漢語字典》(Grammata Serica,1940,1957修訂)
《〈詩經〉詮注》(BMFEA 1942—1946,共673頁)
《〈書經〉詮注》(BMFEA ,1948—1949,共419頁)
《皮茨堡收藏的中國青銅器目錄》(Catalogue of the ChineseBronzes in the Alfred P.Pittsburg Collection,明尼蘇達大學出版社出版,1952)
《中國的宗教:經典的古董》 (Religion i Kina: Antiken,瑞典語,1964)
《漢朝以前文獻中的假借字》(Loan Characters in Pre-Han Texts,I-V,BMFEA,1963—1967)
《漢語典籍詞彙拾遺》(Gleanings for a Lexicon of Classical Chinese,I-Ⅲ,BMFEA,1972—1974) 《原始漢語是屈折語》(Le proto-chinois,langue flexionelle,法語,《亞細亞雜志》,15,1920)
《論左傳的真偽和性質》(On the Authenticity and Nature of the Tso Chuan,《哥特堡大學學報》第32卷第3號,1926)《中國古籍的真偽》(The Authenticity of Ancient Chinese Texts,BMFEA,I,1929)
《漢語詞族》(word Families in Chinese,BMFEA,5,1933)
《早期中國的青銅鏡銘》(Early Chinese Mirror's Inscriptions,BMFEA,12)
《淮和漢》(Huai and Han,BMFEA,13,1941)
《早期東索恩文化的年代問題》(The Date of the Early Dong So』n Culture,BMFEA,14,1942)
《殷朝的武器和工具》(Some Weapons and Tools of the Yin Dynasty,BMFEA,17,1945)
《古代中國的傳說和迷信》(Legends and Cults in Ancient China,BMFEA,18,1946)
《遠東文物博物館中的新銅器》(Some New Bronzes in the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities,BMFEA,24,1952)
《漢語語音系列中的同源詞》(Cognate Words in Chinese Phonetic Series,BMFEA,28,1956)
《中國古鏡》(Early Chinese Mirrors,BMFEA,40,1968)
《<;老子>;注》(Notes on Lao-Tse,BMFEA,47,1975)
《<;莊子>;某些篇章中的疑難詞》(Moot Words in Some Chuang-Tse Chapters,BMFEA,48,1976)
② 翻譯一下,
英語,作為一種被人們廣泛使用的自然生成的語言與世界語有著不同之處。世界語是一種人為創造的世界性語言。它是由波蘭的一個博士Ludovic Zamenhof (1859-1917)發明的。它由幾種語言的部分融合而成,發明它主要是為了幫助來自不同國家的人們進行交流。但是,作為一種人為創造的語言,它缺乏文化以及文學基礎,最後與發明的初衷不同,它日常很少被使用。
③ 跪求關於漢語言文學的畢業論文
The Imlmct of W estern Culture on Chinese Loan——W ords
ZHAO Bin..ning
(Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China)
Absl耐:Chineseloan—words areinfluencedbywestern cultures.Firstly。thefeatures ofChinese—loanwords aredescribed.Thentheimpactofwo stem
culture On Chineseloan—wordsis represented.Finally。the pfl~T explainsthat Chineseloan—words embodythe ability oflanguageinclusion,creativity
and cmsis.
Keywords:loan—wo rd;language contact;culture contac
捷。比如:D l(S(double income no kids)丁克家
庭、WTO(the w0rld Trade Organization)世貿組織、
MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理碩
士學位、OPEC(Organization of the Petroleum Export—
ing Countries)歐佩克,等等。
一128 一
羅明堅(Michae1 Ru醉eri,1580年來華)、利瑪竇
(Mattoe Ricci,1583年來華)、葡萄牙人傅泛際
(Francisco Furtado,1621年來華)、德國人湯若望
(Jean Adam Schall Von Bell,1662年來華)等約70
涉及到天文學、數學、物理、礦冶學、水利學、生物 -
④ 剛從西方引進的網路英語詞彙有哪些
⑤ 求助高手幫我翻譯一下這個文章!!!急急急
對於這兩個概念的中國英語和中式英語有許多學習,做research.For例如,在1980年的葛傳中「翻譯」的問題。 「中國英語」。他指出,英語是英語,使用英語以外的任何英語國家的人,應按照使用的英文nation.However的在每個國家都有自己的情況,就中國而言,無論是在舊中國和新中國,講英語或寫英語有一些獨特的東西需要表達,如四書「(四),eight1egged文章(八股文),」五四「運動(五四運動),秀才(學者)所有上面的表達式的英語屬於來china.Mr。 ,GE中國英語的定義被認為是開始的研究中國english.On此基礎上,許多學者研究的角度看中國英語,如李重,章呸盛,汪榕培,謝之均的定義和其他中國english.Although學者產生了不同的中國英語的定義,但所有這些定義的方式基本上是相同的,即中國英語是基於標準的英語為核心的英語與中國characteristics.Li的重中的「外語教學研究「出版的」中國英語和中國英語「一文,在文章中定義了中國英語(中國英語),指的是中國式英語(中式英語)的定義,比較中國英語」中式英語「,是」一種奇怪的行,混合,非會議的中國語言文字「。黎溫種把它定義為中國英語學習者的英語為母語的干擾和影響力的英語溝通能力,硬性規則和習慣,出現不標准或英語文化的習慣的變形english.Chinglish的是一種中介語現象在中國的英語學習者在學習的過程中,English.It是個人,的過渡和不穩定characteristics.Zhu萬眾柳汀,中國英語和中式英語的比較來自三個方面:詞彙,語音,語法解釋之間的差異,中國英語和中式英語的特點。 (一)詞彙量和詞彙特色的中國英語(中國借貸主要是中國的外來詞在英語中)。據統計,中國的英語外來詞在越來越比1000.Chinese外來詞進入英語,有的已經進入英語的標准字典和其他參考書籍,有些已經在美國,普遍使用的english.The研究發現,中國的英語創造新詞的音譯,翻譯,語義表示方法。 (1)(音譯),是指英語,不符合中國的詞彙表達,根據人的中文發音,捏造一些有中國特色的條款,如尹陽(陰陽),mahjiang(麻將)。 (2)翻譯(翻譯)是中國詞彙的翻譯源於英文單詞express.Such作為鋪設工人(下崗工人);一個國家,兩種制度(系統)(3)(1iteral翻譯)是指原直接的原話成英語字。直譯可以保存文化特色,同時也有利於中國文化和西方文化的交流和表達語言的字面意思和結構。 (4)語義表示..在中國文化環境中的一些英語單詞,它的語義將體驗到再生的過程,導致一個新的meaning.There中是一個部分的英文含義的詞或短語集合在中國被翻譯成英文後形成的中國英語(二)講話的語言在語音功能級別的表現在兩方面的語音段和超音段音位可以做嗎?
⑥ 英語的發展為什麼是heavy borrower
1. Development of English vocabulary
All the words in a language together constitute what is known as its vocabulary.
A. English vocabulary as viewed in the historical perspective
The history of English begins with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes from about 450 AD.
The language they spoke was Anglo-Saxon, which replaced the Celtic spoken by the former inhabitants. The next seven hundred years (449-1100) are known as the Old English (OE) or Anglo-Saxon (AS) period of the English language.
The vocabulary of Old English contains some fifty or sixty thousand words, which were chiefly Anglo-Saxon with a small mixture of Old Norse (a general term for the Scandinavian language in its very early stage) words as a result of the Scandinavian or the Danish conquests of England in the ninth century.
During the Old English period, English language borrowed a considerable number of Latin words, especially after the introction of Christianity into Britain in 597.
e.g. bargain, cheap, inch, pound; cup, dish, wall, wine; abbot, altar, candle, disciple, hymn, martyr, nun, priest, pope, shrine, temple and a great many others.
The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is know as Middle English (ME 1100-1500), which is characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066.
Since the French-speaking Normans were the ruling class, French was used for all state affairs and for most social and cultural matters; but the masses continued to speak English.
The French loan words(借詞)were found in every section of the vocabulary:
e.g. law and governmental administration (judge, jury, justice; government, parliament, state…); military affairs (conquer, sergeant, victory…); religion (baptism, confess, divine, sermon…); clothing (coat, dress, gown, robe…); food (beef, mutton, pork, dinner…); art (beauty, image, design…); literature (chapter, poet, prose…);
science (medicine, remedy, surgeon), and so on.
The English language from 1500 to the present is called Modern English.
In the early stages of this period (including the years between 1500 and about 1700) the Renaissance brought great changes to vocabulary. In this period, the study of classics were stressed and the result was the wholesale borrowing from Latin. The Latin loan words were mostly connected with science and abstract ideas.
e.g. chemist, function, scientific, vacuum; area, irony, theory, ecation, adapt, exist, appropriate, precise.
The renewed study of Greek also led to the introction of some Greek words directly into the English vocabulary. Greek borrowings were mostly literary, technical and scientific words.
e.g. drama, comedy, tragedy, lexicon, criterion, botany, physics and so on.
From the 16th century onward, English borrowed words from an increasing number of languages,
For example, from
French: attach, café and so on;
Italian (mainly in the fields of music, art and architecture): concert, et, piano, soprano, solo, tenor; model, bust, studio; dome, balcony, piassa and so on;
Spanish: armada, cargo, vanilla, cocoa and cigar;
Portuguese: caste and pagoda;
German: bismuth, cobalt, nickel and zinc;
Dutch: dock, freight and keel;
Russian: vodka, troika, ruble and tsar;
Australian: boomerang, kangaroo and dingo;
Arabic: sugar, sultan and alcohol;
Indian: coolie, cashmere and khaki;
Hebrew: schmozzo and schmalts;
Chinese: tea, typhoon and yamen;
Japanese: kimono and tycoon;
African: gorilla and zebra.
In fact English has adopted words from almost every known language in the course of its historical development.
As summed up in The Encyclopedia Americana: "…The English language has vast debts. In any dictionary some 80% of the entries are borrowed" English is supposed to have the most copious vocabulary of all the language in the world, estimated at more than a million words.
⑦ 一篇英語作文~~~漢語對世界的影響
Throughout history Chinese culture and politics has had a great influence on unrelated languages such as Korean and Japanese. Korean and Japanese both have writing systems employing Chinese characters.
Languages within the influence of Chinese culture also have a very large number of loanwords from Chinese. Fifty percent or more of Korean vocabulary is of Chinese origin, likewise for a significant percentage of Japanese and Vietnamese vocabulary.
Loan words from Chinese also exist in European languages such as English. Examples of such words are "tea" from the Minnan pronunciation of 茶 , "ketchup" from the Cantonese pronunciation of 茄汁 and "kumquat" from the Cantonese pronunciation of 金橘.
Nowadays, more and more people in the world prefer learing Chinese and understanding the its culture as China has been playing more and more important role in the world affairs.
⑧ 外來語對英語的影響 50分獻上,回答的好再追50-100
Foreign language influences in English
While many words enter English as slang, not all do. Some words are adopted from other languages; some are mixtures of existing words (portmanteau words), and some are new coinages made of roots from dead languages: e.g. thanitopsis. No matter the origin, though, words seldom, if ever, are immediately accepted into the English language. Here is a list of the most common foreign language influences in English, where other languages have influenced or contributed words to English.
French words for the meat of an animal, noble words (this comes from the influence of the Norman language), words referring to food - e.g. au gratin. Nearly 30% of English words (in an 80,000 word dictionary) may be of French origin.
German: Main article: List of German expressions in English. Some words relating to the World War I and the World War II, e.g. blitz. And some food terms, such as wurst, hamburger and frankfurter. Also: wanderlust, schadenfreude, zeitgeist, kaputt, kindergarten, autobahn, rucksack.
Scandinavian languages such as Old Norse - words such as sky and troll or, more recently, geysir.
Dutch - words relating to sailing, e.g. skipper, keel etc., and civil engineering, such as dam, polder.
Latin words, technical or biological names, medical terminology, legal terminology. See also: Latin influence in English
Greek words - medical terminology (like for instance phobias and ologies)
Spanish - words relating to Spanish culture - for example paella, siesta, plaza, salsa, etc.
Italian - words relating to music, piano, fortissimo. Or Italian culture, such as piazza, pizza, gondola, balcony, fascism. The English word umbrella comes from Italian ombrello.
Arabic - Islamic religious terms such as jihad and hadith. Also some scientific vocabulary borrowed through Iberian Romance languages in the Middle Ages (alcohol, algebra, azimuth, nadir).
Nahuatl - tomato, coyote, chocolate.
Afrikaans - apartheid, trek.
Russian - words relating to the Cold War and the aftermath (perestroika, glasnost), and also words relating to Russian culture, such as Cossack or Babushka.
Indian - words relating to culture, originating from the colonial era. Many of these words are of Persian origin rather than Hindi because Persian was the official language of the Mughal courts. e.g.: pyjamas, bungalow, verandah, jungle, curry, shampoo, khaki.
Lists of English words of international origin
These are lists of words in the English language which are known as "loanwords" or "borrowings," which are derived from other languages:
List of English words of Australian Aboriginal origin
List of English words of African origin
List of English words of Afrikaans origin
List of English words of Arabic origin
List of English words of Chinese origin
List of English words of Czech origin
List of English words of Dutch origin
List of English words of Etruscan origin
List of English words of Finnish origin
List of English words of French origin
German loan words
List of German expressions in English (a small German-English dictionary)
English words of Greek origin (a discussion rather than a list)
List of Greek words with English derivatives
List of English words of Hawaiian origin
List of English words of Hebrew origin
List of English words of Hungarian origin
List of English words of Indian origin
List of English words of Sanskrit origin
List of English words of Tamil origin
List of English words of Hindi origin
List of English words of Ur origin
List of English words of Telugu origin
List of English words of Indonesian origin, including from Javanese, Malay (Sumatran) Sundanese, Papuan (Irian Jaya), Balinese, Dayak and other local languages in Indonesia
List of English words of Irish origin
List of English words of Italian origin
List of English words of Japanese origin
List of English words of Korean origin
List of Latin words with English derivatives
List of English words of Malay origin
List of English words of Maori origin
List of English words from indigenous languages of the Americas
List of English words of Norwegian origin
List of English words of Old Norse origin (often coming from Vikings from Denmark or Norway, but at the time there was little distinction between the Old Norse dialects spoken in the three Scandinavian countries.)
List of English words of Persian origin
List of English words of Polish origin
List of English words of Portuguese origin
List of English words of Romanian origin
List of English words of Russian origin
List of English words of Serbo-Croatian origin
List of English words of Slovak origin
List of English words of Scots origin
List of English words of Scottish Gaelic origin
List of English words of Spanish origin
List of English words of Swedish origin
List of English words of Tagalog origin
List of English words of Turkic origin
List of English words of Ukrainian origin
List of English words of Welsh origin
List of English words of Yiddish origin
How French Has Influenced English
The English language has been shaped by a number of other languages over the centuries, and many English speakers know that Latin and German were two of the most important. What many people don't realize is how much the French language has influenced English.
Without going into too much detail, I want to give a little bit of background about the other languages which shaped English. It was born out of the dialects of three German tribes (Angles, Jutes, and Saxons) who settled in Britain in about 450 A.D. This group of dialects forms what linguists refer to as Anglo-Saxon, and at some point this language developed into what we know as Old English. This Germanic base was influenced in varying degrees by Celtic, Latin, and Scandinavian (Old Norse) - the languages spoken by invading armies.
Bill Bryson calls the Norman conquest of 1066 the "final cataclysm [which] awaited the English language." (1) When William the Conqueror became king of England, French took over as the language of the court, administration, and culture - and stayed there for 300 years. Meanwhile, English was "demoted" to everyday, unprestigious uses. These two languages existed side by side in England with no noticeable difficulties; in fact, since English was essentially ignored by grammarians ring this time, it took advantage of its lowly status to become a grammatically simpler language and, after only 70 or 80 years existing side-by-side with French, Old English segued into Middle English.
During the Norman occupation, about 10,000 French words were adopted into English, some three-fourths of which are still in use today. This French vocabulary is found in every domain, from government and law to art and literature - learn some. More than a third of all English words are derived directly or indirectly from French, and it's estimated that English speakers who have never studied French already know 15,000 French words. (2)
English pronunciation owes a lot to French as well. Whereas Old English had the unvoiced fricative sounds , , (as in thin), and (shin), French influence helped to distinguish their voiced counterparts , , (the), and (mirage), and also contributed the diphthong (boy). (3)
(What is voiced/unvoiced/fricative?)
Another rare but interesting remnant of French influence is in the word order of expressions like secretary general and surgeon general, where English has retained the noun + adjective word order typical in French, rather than the usual adjective + noun used in English.
Learn More
If you are interested in French and/or English linguistics and would like to learn more about their reciprocal relationship, please visit the links below and the further reading resources listed on the right.
⑨ 求幫忙翻譯!!PPT介紹急用!
In a sense, Japanese is based on Chinese . But since the Meiji Restoration , since the invasion of Western culture , there has been a lot of Japanese loanwords . Loanwords mainly refers to the sixteenth century passed after absorption from Japan than in other Chinese language to Japanese words , most of which comes from the Anglo-American language . It is to continue to develop in the introction of modern Western culture based on up . In Japanese, the main katakana notation foreign language, vocabulary and writing a special message . These phonetic katakana to represent , and some have been completely integrated into the Japanese , are increasingly being used by the Japanese , has almost no feeling from a foreign language . Some people say that you can speak English when you forget to Japanese words instead.
First, the characteristics of Japanese loanwords
In addition to the large number of addition , there are several features of Japanese loanwords . The first is that the vast majority of Japanese loanwords from English, French, German and other Western languages , including English 80% . Such as: su Te Leo (stereo, radio ) , Tatariーku Shin (taxi, taxi ) , and so on . Similarly, in the process of learning English , we also find Japanese etymology. Such as : kimono ( kimono ), tycoon ( influential VIP ) and so on. Many Chinese words in Japanese , mostly imported from China since ancient times , from the definition of foreign language point of view, it should belong to the Chinese vocabulary of a foreign language . However , from the usual perspective, Chinese vocabulary does not include the foreign language in .
Because katakana convenience , give Japanese loanwords brought second feature , namely involving a wide range of aspects of daily life permeates . Now, the use of foreign languages , accounting for about 12% of written , oral accounts for about 10.1%. Generally speaking, a language in the introction of foreign words will consider whether there exists vocabulary in order to avoid too many foreign words , but in the introction of foreign words in Japanese , does not seem to take this into account . In fact there are already a lot of foreign words corresponding conventional vocabulary. Such as: Chiba KellyッSuites (chi ke to), from the English words ticket, there are words that represent the same meaning in Japanese , or " cut character (kippu)". Another example : su Tatari terrestrialィー(su ta de i), comes from the English word study, the Japanese equivalent of " barely (bennkyou)".
Thus, most of the pronunciation of foreign words are from English .
Second, the Japanese foreign language representation of the relationship with the English pronunciation of words
We know that Japanese is a syllabic language , English is phonetic . Japanese foreign language in the original English transliteration of the Japanese when carried out in accordance with the Japanese voice processing . Transliteration of foreign words is over .
Note: The Japanese label Roman tone writing ra ri ru re ro read as la li lu le lo
No [v] in the Japanese pronunciation of the sound . So under normal circumstances , where there are [v] words , their pronunciation are used [b] instead. Such as:
It should be noted that, in addition to Japanese loanwords mainly from English , there are some from other European languages. Such as: bread nn ( bread ) [pan], from the Portuguese pão; Gomu ( rubber ) [gomu], from the Dutch gom; of Energy have ( energy ) [e neru gi-], from the German energie. Some from the Spanish, Russian, Italian and so on.
⑩ 本科畢業論文摘要翻譯。萬謝!!
Abstract: Rising American interest rates, excessive innovation in financial procts, and the overly easy credit system in America, among a series of other factors, have led to the eruption to this subprime mortgage loan crisis. The global financial catastrophe caused by the subprime mortgage loan crisis is considered the most severe and influential financial crisis of the second half of the 20th century. Although it has not had much direct impact on China, an in-depth analysis of the causes and impact of the crisis will undoubtedly be illustrative for the globalizing Chinese economy and commercial banks' risk management for personal housing mortgage loans.
Key words: subprime mortgage crisis; housing mortgage loans; commercial banks; risk management