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❷ 我在四川信息職業技術學院讀書,我學的專業是計算機網路技術 求英語翻譯

I study in Sichuan Information Technology College. I major in computer network technology.

❸ 跪求一遍關於計算機網路的英語作文..字數在1200以上的..

Computer networks
Now every almost have computers, and computer good does have its downside - it depends on how you use. If you want to ask me: I on the computer do what, I can tell you, I will do a lot of things in the computer. May first and have out-of-town relatives chat, then can check information, listening to music, watching movies, paint... My favorite on the computer music and watching movies, because it very relaxing my mood.But the most people used compter to surf the internet.Now Let us know about the computer network
Computer networks,the wide spread sharing of information among groups of computers and their users,are a central part of the information age.The popular adoption of the personal computer(PC)
and the local area network (LAN) ring the 1980s has led to the capacity to access information on a distant database;download an application from overseas;send a message to a friend country;and share files with a colleague-all from a personal computer.
The network that allow all this to be done so easily are sophisticated and complex entities.They rely for their effectiveness on many cooperating computers.The design and deployment of the wordwide computer network can be viewed as one of the great technological wonders of recent decades. Nowadays Intemet is very popular all over the world, especially in some big cities. Do you know when the Intemet was first established? Built in 1960s, the Internet was a crude network of a few computers which shared information. If one of the computers broke down, the whole networks would be unable to work, causing continual problems. At first, just the government had access to the Internet, using it for communications among different branches. However, by 1970s the Internet had been used in universities, banks, and hospitals. At the beginning of 1990s computers became affordable for common people and this affordability increased the use of the Internet by people,It is said that each day tens of millions of people log off, making it the most important part of people's life.

Ⅱ.Local Area Network
One of the most dramatic events in computer networking has been the introction and rapid growth of local area network(LAN) as a way to standardize the system of linking computers used in office systems.As the name suggests,this is a means of connecting a number of computing elements together.At the simplest level,a LAN provides no more more than a shared medium (such as a coaxial cable to which all computers and printers are connected) along with a set of rules that govern the access to that medium.The most widely used LAN,Ethernet,used a mechanism called Carrier Sense Multiple Access-Collosion Detect(CSMA-CD).This means that each connected device can only use the cable when it has established that each connected device is using it.If there is contention, the device looking for a connection backs off and tries again later.The Ethernet transfers data at 10M bits/sec,which is fast enough to make the distance between devices insignificant.They appeat to be connected directly to their destination.
There are many different layouts(such as bus ,star,ring,see Figure 6A-2)and a number of different access protocols for LANs.Despire this variety,all LANs share the feature that they are limited in range (typically they cover one building) and are fast enough to make the connecting network invisible to the devices that use it.
In addition to providing shared access,modern LANs can also give users a wide range of sophisticated facilities.Managenment software packages are available to control the way in which devices are configured on the local area network (LAN),how users are administered,and how network resources are controlled.A widely adopted structure o local network is to have a number of servers that are available to a (usuallu much greater) nember of clients.The former,usually powerful computers,provide service such as print control,file sharing,and mail to the latter,which are usually personal computers.
Ⅲ.Routers and brideges
The facilities on most local area network (LAN) are very powerful.Most organizatonns do not wish to have small isolated islands of computing facilities.They usually want to extend facilities over a wider area so that groups can wok wtthout having to be located.Routers and bridges arespecialized devices that allow two or more local area network (LAN) to be connected.The bridges is the more basic device and can only connect local area network (LAN) of the same type.The router is a more intelligent component that can interconnent many different types of computer network.
Many large companies have corporate adta network that are founded on a collection of local area network (LAN) and routers.From the user』s point of view,this arrangement provides them with a physically diverse network that looks like one coherent resource.
Ⅳ.Wide Area Networks
At some point,it becomes impractical to extend a local area network (LAN) any further.Physical limitation sometimes drives this,but more often than not there are more concenient or cheaper ways to extend a computer network.Two major components in most real computer networks are the public telephone and data networks.These provide long-distance links that extend a local area network (LAN) into a wide area network (WAN).Nearly all of the national network operators offer services for the interconnection of computer networks.These services range from simple, low speed data links that work over the public telephone network to sophisticaied high speed data services that are ideally suited to the interconnection of LANs.These high speed data services are usually referred to as broadband connection.It is anticiopated that they will provide the necessary links between LANs that make what is called the information superhighway a reality.

❹ 計算機網路技術常用英語縮寫

ACPI:Advanced Configuration and Power Interface 高級電源配置電源介面
AD:Active Directory 活動目錄
ATM:Asynchronous Transfer Mode 非同步傳輸模式
CA:Certificate Authority 認證授權
CSMA/CD:Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect 載波偵聽多波/沖突檢測
DDN:Digital Data Network 數字數據網路
DLC:Data Link Control 數據鏈接控制
DHCP:Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 動態主機配置協議
DNS:Domain Name System(Service) 動態域名系統(服務)
FAT:File Allocation Table 文件分配表
FTP:File Transfer Protocol 文件傳輸協議
GPF:General Protection Fault 一般保護錯
GC:Global Catalog 全局類目
GG:Global Group 全局組
GUI:Graphical User Interface 圖形用戶介面
HAL:Hardware Abstraction Layer 硬體抽象層
HCI:Human Computer Interaction 人機介面
HCL:Hardware Compatibility List 硬體兼容性列表
HDLC:High-level Data Link Control 高速數據鏈路協議
HTML:Hypertext Markup Language 超文本標記語言
HTTP:Hypertext Transfer Protocol 超文本傳輸協議
HTTP:Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol 安全超文本傳輸協議
I/O:Input/Output 輸入/輸出
ICMP:Internet Control Message Protocol 互聯網控制信息協議
ICP:Internet Commerce Provider 互聯網商業提供商
IGMP:Internet Group Management Protocol 互聯網組管理協議
IIS:Internet Information Server 互聯網信息伺服器
IMAP:Internet Message Access Protocol 互聯網信息訪問協議
IPX:Internetwork Packet Exchange 互連網包交換
IrDA:Infrared Data Association 紅外數據傳輸組織
IRDP:ICMP Router Discovery Protocol ICMP路由發現協議
ISAPI:Internet Server Application Program Interface 互聯網伺服器應用程序介面
ISP:Internet or Independent Service Provider 互聯網(獨立)服務提供商
IT:Information Technology 信息技術(我發現很多朋友認為IT是Internet Technology其實不對
L2TP:Layer Two Tunneling Protocol 第二曾通道協議
LAN:Local Area Nerwork 區域網
LCP:Link Control Protocol 鏈路控制協議
LLP:Lower Layer Protocol 低層協議
MAC:Media Access Control 媒體訪問控制
MBR:Master Boot Record 主引導記錄
MPPE:Microsoft Point to Point Encryption 微軟點對點加密
MTU:Maximum Transmission Unit 最大傳輸單元
NAT:Network Address Translation 網路地址轉換
NetBEUI:NetBIOS Expand User Interface NetBIOS擴展用戶介面
NetBIOS:Network Basic Input/Output System 網路基本輸入/輸入系統
NDIS:Network Driver Interface Specification 網路驅動程序介面規范
NFS:Network File System 網路文件系統
NIC:Network Interface Card 網路介面卡
NTFS:NT File System NT文件系統

❺ 國家計算機三級網路技術,用英語怎麼說

National Computer Rank Grade 3

Network Technology

❻ 計算機網路技術用英語怎麼說

Computer Network Technology

❼ 計算機網路技術是什麼





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