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Ⅰ GPRS英文文獻中文翻譯

GPRS是通用分組無線業務(General Packet Radio Service)的英文簡稱,是在現有的GSM系統上發展出來的一種新的分組數據承載業務。GPRS與現有的GSM語音系統最根本的區別是,GSM是一種電路交換系統,而GPRS是一種分組交換系統。因此,GPRS特別適用於間斷的、突發性的或頻繁的、少量的數據傳輸,也適用於偶爾的大數據量傳輸。這一特點正適合大多數移動互聯的應用。

高速傳輸:GPRS採用分組交換的技術,數據傳輸速率最高理論值能達171.2kb/s。電路交換數據業務,速率為每秒9.6K比特,因此電路交換數據業務(簡稱CSD)與GPRS的關系就象是9.6K Modem和33.6K、56K的Modem的區別一樣。

移動商務:包括移動銀行,移動理財,移動交易 (股票,彩票) 等
值得注意的是, GPRS還有資源共享、豐富帶寬等的特點,它本身不是一種業務,而是一種更好的網路承載方式,因此即使是相同的應用也會因為GPRS的上述特點而得到提升,當然由於GPRS本身的技術特點,也有一些特別適合於GPRS網路的應用服務,如網上聊天、移動炒股、遠程監控、遠程計數等小流量高頻率傳輸的數據業務。




1. 如何申請使用GPRS服務?

2. GPRS如何收費?

- 月租費(元) 贈送的免費流量數(MB) 超過免費流量後的費用(元/KB)
自由套餐 0 0 0.03
經濟套餐 20 1 0.01
時尚套餐 100 20 0.01
商務套餐 200 不限量使用

另外,用戶漫遊不加收漫遊費。 申請GPRS 功能不需要開戶費,您只要撥打電話1860或到營業廳申請開通GPRS服務即可。

3. 按量收費和按時間收費有什麼區別?
按時間收費就是按照從接入網路至與網路斷開的時間長度進行計費;按流量收費就是按照接入網路後產生的實際數據比特流來進行計費,接入了網路但沒有數據傳遞是不收費的。例如用戶在瀏覽網頁的時候,新打開一個窗口然後進行閱讀,產生了5kByte的流量,則只收用戶5kB的錢,閱讀的時間是不收費的;用戶進行網上聊天,在一個小時內發送或者接收了6條信息,流量為1kB,則只收1kB的錢,而不是按一小時來收費;用戶下載一首mp3,流量為4M,然後在線收聽,則收費為 4M的流量費用,收聽的時候是不收費的。GPRS為用戶上網提供了一種更好、更快、更優質的服務,而且是完全按照實際流量來收費,收費更合理,因此也能為您省錢。

4. GPRS需要換手機、換號、換卡嗎?要不要開戶費?

5. 使用GPRS手機如何設置?有何簡化程序嗎?
使用GPRS 手機需要設一個連接(APN)設置(使用WAP業務設為CMWAP,使用其他www業務使用CMNET),用戶名和密碼設置為空,其他設置與原來的WAP設置一樣。目前ericsson的手機在部分省市能夠支持通過簡訊空中下載GPRS和WAP的設置。

6. GPRS的覆蓋和漫遊情況如何?可不可以漫遊?
目前中國移動GPRS網路覆蓋全國16省25個城市,今年10月份馬上就可以覆蓋全國所有省會城市和大部分大中城市。在國內GPRS覆蓋的地方都可以實現GPRS 的自動漫遊,且用戶漫遊不加收漫遊費。在沒有GPRS網路的時間GPRS 手機還可以用,可以進行正常通話和CSD方式的數據業務,但GPRS的業務就不能使用了。

7. GPRS與原來的CSD(電路交換)撥號方式如何切換?
在進行數據業務之前(如使用WAP)選擇使用的連接方式,或者CSD 的撥號方式或者GPRS方式,要切換的話需要先關閉原來的業務再重新進行連接方式的選擇。比如:用戶啟動WAP瀏覽器,手機會跳出菜單讓你選擇連接方式,(或默認為預設的連接設置)如選擇了GPRS,那麼 用戶就會通過GPRS 瀏覽WAP的各類信息、游戲等,用戶要換成撥號接入WAP,則需要推出WAP瀏覽器,選擇連接方式為撥號,再啟動WAP瀏覽器才能切換至撥號(CSD)方式的WAP。

8. 用戶購買了支持GPRS的手機之後,可享受哪些新的增值業務?
目前用戶可以使用所有原有的WAP上面的信息與娛樂服務以外,還可以通過GPRS手機+筆記本或Pocket PC等設備進行www瀏覽,另外用戶還可以通過GPRS手機直接收發POP3 email、進行網上聊天、網上會議、移動炒股、移動商務、移動娛樂、網上購物等等。

9. 使用GPRS上網時,能否接電話和接收簡訊?

GPRS is General Packet Radio Service (General Packet Radio Service) the title, is in the existing GSM system, developed a new business packet data bearer. GPRS voice with the existing GSM system is the difference between the most fundamental, GSM is a circuit-switched systems, and GPRS is a packet switching system. Thus, GPRS is particularly applicable to intermittent, sudden or frequent, small amounts of data transmission, but also to occasional transmission of large amounts of data. This feature is suitable for the majority of mobile Internet applications.

What are the advantages of GPRS?
Real-time Online: "Real-time Online", that is, users keep in touch with the network at any time. For example, when users access the Internet, mobile phones in the wireless channel on the send and receive data, even if there is no data transfer, mobile phone has also been connected with the network, not only initiated by the user-side data can also be activated at any time from the network side push business, unlike an ordinary dial-up after the break as to have to re-dial-up surfing the Internet.
By the volume of billing: Users can have online, according to the user to receive and send data packets to the number of charges, there is no transmission of data flow, the user, even if linked to the Internet, but also do not charge a fee.
Quick login: GPRS users a boot, it has always been attached to the GPRS network, each using only one activation process, generally only 1-3 seconds will be able to log on to the Internet immediately.
High-speed transmission: GPRS using packet switching technology, data transfer rate up to a maximum theoretical value to 171.2kb / s. Circuit-switched data services, rate of 9.6K bits per second, the circuit-switched data services (referred to as CSD) and GPRS is like the relationship between the 9.6K Modem and 33.6K, 56K, like the difference between the Modem.
Easily switch: GPRS also has the data transmission and voice transmission can be carried out at the same time or switch advantage. This means that users surf the Internet using mobile phones at the same time, you can receive voice calls. Correct telephone line.
GPRS will give the user what? In particular, with different applications of existing GSM business?
GPRS mobile data services to provide users with rich applications, such as:

Mobile Commerce: including mobile banking, mobile management, mobile transactions (stocks, lottery tickets), etc.
Mobile information services: Information on demand, weather, tourism, services, web pages, news and advertising
Mobile internet business: web browser, Email, etc.
Virtual Private Network: the mobile office, mobile medical
Location-based business: location query, restaurants and similar service instries such as navigation
Multimedia services: video telephony, multimedia messaging, online gaming, music, video on demand, etc.
Personal services business: PIM, such as tailor-made for personal business, and so on.
It is worth noting that, GPRS also the sharing of resources, such as the characteristics of bandwidth-rich, it is not a business, but a better way of carrying the network, so even if the application is the same also because the above-mentioned characteristics of GPRS be enhanced, of course, e to the characteristics of GPRS technology in itself, there are also some particularly suitable for the application of GPRS network services such as online chat, mobile stock trading, remote monitoring, remote traffic count, such as high-frequency transmission of data services.

Application of GPRS
GPRS is the support of China Mobile "Monternet", into the mainstream of the world's 3G technology.
At present, China Mobile GPRS network has covered all the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and more than 240 cities across the network. Whether in bustling downtown, or in quiet remote areas, GPRS will be able to maximize the new human, business and instry groups to provide customers with high-speed data services.
More than 200 of the world's largest operators have opted for GPRS networks, GPRS data services can be touched all over the world. At the same time, China Mobile's users has been with Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, the realization of freedom GPRS communications, true mobile data the concept of wireless Internet.

On the phone
The world's major mobile phone manufacturers, mobile phones have GPRS, the GPRS is currently available in the market for sale cell phone number there is 20 and has various grades of the mobile phone. Color, rich and powerful to support multimedia GPRS handset will be the characteristics of this year.
GPRS from May 17, 2002 official business. China Mobile is actively planning to improve customer service and rich content applications to market, application service providers, handset manufacturers, have been prepared, together with China Mobile, to provide users with new wireless data communications services.
China Mobile's GPRS service is now being test commercial, GPRS mobile phone users can apply for use. Official business, if you bought a GPRS phone, but also need to apply for opening of GPRS functions. GPRS applications to open and the opening of business functions on the same as other new business, business to business to fill the Office or a direct call to change the application 1860 can be opened.

How to apply for the use of GPRS

1. How to apply for the use of GPRS service?
China Mobile's GPRS service is now being test commercial, GPRS mobile phone users can apply for use. Official business, if you bought a GPRS phone, but also need to apply for opening of GPRS functions. GPRS applications to open and the opening of business functions on the same as other new business, business to business to fill the Office or a direct call to change the application 1860 can be opened.

2. GPRS How much do you charge?
GPRS traffic is currently carried out in accordance with billing, the user can select one of the following four packages:

- Monthly fee (million) donated by a number of free traffic (MB) after more than a free flow of costs (yuan / KB)
Free package 0 0 0.03
Package 20 1 0.01
Packages fashionable 10,020 0.01
Business Package 200 is not limited to use

In addition, users are not charged roaming charges roaming. GPRS function application fees do not need to open an account, you can call the Office 1860 business applications or services can be launched GPRS.

3. By the amount of fees and charges by the time What's the difference?
Charging time is in accordance with the access network from the network to disconnect the length of time to carry out billing; by the flow of charges in accordance with the access network is the actual data after the bit stream for billing, network access but no data delivery is free. For example, when browsing the web, open a new window and then proceed to read, have had a 5kByte traffic, then only users 5kB money is not the time to read charges; users online chat, to send in an hour or 6 received information, the flow of 1kB, is only 1kB money, rather than an hour to charge; users to download an mp3, the flow of 4M, and then listen, then the flow of charge for the cost of 4M, listen to when it is not free. GPRS Internet access for users with a better, faster, better quality services, and is completely in accordance with the actual flow to the fee more reasonable, so you can save money.

4. GPRS mobile phone to change, change number, a replacement of permit it? Or not to open an account fee?
Business is necessary to use GPRS for a GPRS mobile phone, no need for its need for replacement of permit, only need to open the GPRS business functions, the need to open an account fee.

5. How do I set up using the GPRS mobile phone? Simplification of the procere?
Need to use a mobile phone GPRS connection (APN) settings (set using the WAP business CMWAP, the use of other www business CMNET), user name and password is set to air, other settings and WAP settings, like the original. Ericsson mobile phone is currently in some provinces and cities to support the GPRS through SMS and WAP OTA settings.

6. GPRS roaming coverage and how? Can roaming?
At present, China Mobile GPRS network covers 16 cities in 25 provinces this year, once in October can cover all capital cities and most medium-sized cities. GPRS coverage in the domestic parts of the GPRS can achieve automatic roaming and roaming users are not charged roaming fees. GPRS network in the absence of time can also use GPRS mobile phone, you can call normal way and CSD data, but the GPRS business will not be able to use.

7. GPRS original CSD (circuit switched) how to switch dial-up?
Prior to concting data services (such as the use of WAP) choose to use the connection, or CSD or GPRS dial-up way way to switch if the original need to shut down operations and re-connect the choice of methods. For example: users start the WAP browser, the phone will let you jump out of the menu options to connect the way (or the default connection settings for the default) option of the GPRS, the user will then browse through the GPRS information on various types of WAP, games, etc., the user replaced dial-up access to WAP, it is necessary to introce a WAP browser, select for the dial-up connection, and then start the WAP browser in order to switch to the dial-up (CSD) form of WAP.

8. Customers to purchase the support of GPRS phone, you can enjoy what the new value-added services?
At present, users can use all the original WAP above information and entertainment services, through GPRS or mobile phone + laptop Pocket PC devices, such as www browser, while users can also send and receive GPRS phone direct POP3 email, online chat, online meeting, mobile stock trading, mobile commerce, mobile entertainment, online shopping and so on.

9. The use of GPRS Internet access, the ability to answer the phone and receive SMS?
可以. GPRS Internet use does not affect the normal calls and receive text messages.

Ⅱ 大數據中所說的數據量大是指到達甚麼級別

早在2001年,行業分析師Doug Laney已經將大數據定義為3個「V」,也就是規模(Volume),快速(Velocity)和多樣(專Variety)。屬

Ⅲ 大數據專業用英語怎麼說

Major data major
大數據電商專業委員會 CBEC

Ⅳ 大數據告訴你:親愛的,你懷孕了

大數據,英文翻譯為Big Data,聽上去科技感十足的一個詞,到底跟我們的生活有什麼關系呢?我們不妨先從一個故事開始認識一下它。


這就是一個典型的大數據案例, 大數據如此神奇,它可能比你的父母更了解你的小秘密。你喜歡什麼款式的衣服,你最愛哪家甜品店,你最喜歡的明星是誰……大數據就像你的影子,對你了如指掌。














大數據時代,這種思維需要變一變了。 數據量的劇增,使得事物與事物之間的聯系越來越復雜,通過復雜的相關關系,大數據猶如神探破案,找出蛛絲馬跡。現在,只需要知道「是什麼」就夠了,沒必要知道「為什麼」。




未來已來,大數據時代裹挾著未來世界的新演算法,新技術像潮水一樣涌來,只有勇於擁抱變化的人才能急流勇進。 大數據時代,更多的數據,更多不確定性,更復雜的相關關系,提供了「更多,更快,更好」的可能。

Ⅳ 大數據的英文是什麼

譯文:big data







Big Data大數據;海量資料;海量數據






3、big and可修飾後面的形容詞,其意思不是「大得和…」,而是「非常」,即very。

Ⅵ 高分求翻譯(中譯英)

Securities trading online refers to using the Internet to realize investors securities broker provide service, the entrusted securities offer instant order services, investment consultation service and securities trading services in real-time new entrusted securities business. It is compared with the traditional way, has not entrusted by region and the spatial limit, low cost, use more advantages. Brokers and investors to an, safe and reliable, efficient, high capacity of securities trading online system, has the extremely vital significance.
Securities trading online transactions bring convenience to at the same time, there are also many problems and resistance, potential huge risk. At present, online transactions of the core business mole is entrusted server mole, and entrust server performance problems have graally become the focus of attention. Entrust server in large volumes of "shock", the server can stable performance in what, When faced with business system, sprint, these test questions need through a complete answer to the performance test. Because of historical reasons, plus securities trading operations of the company is quite wide and multifarious, currently does not have a set of complete on securities trading online system performance evaluation index system, nor the corresponding instry recognized testing method.
Based on securities trading online system, in combination with the research of securities trading online system development present situation, discussed in the present system of securities trading online testing method. The first analysis of the current Chinese securities trading online system in performance problems, and based on this, puts forward the ideas to solve these problems. Then based on securities trading online system structure, puts forward the analysis of securities trading online system performance measure. Through the analysis of these indicators, the basic method and solve the securities trading online system performance evaluation. This paper also emphasizes on system performance test, according to the analysis of the testing method for testing the tested object and the object of each component of the evaluation summary given, including its stability, reliability, test sufficiency, and through the analysis test results check system parameter meets all the required at the test design.
Finally, based on securities trading online system were studied, the author combined with practical work experience, for example, a securities company presented online trading system performance test parameters and test results, and further demonstrates the performance test of the feasibility and applicability of the practical methods. Besides, the author also present work and the problems to be solved are summarized, and the problems and solutions are analyzed and discussed the advantages and disadvantages.

Ⅶ 說文解字第1課:大數據Big Data




大數據一詞直譯自英文的Big Data,也有人將其翻譯為海量資料,字面上的意思就已經把它的涵義說明一半了。大數據既然有個「大」字,就代表它的資料量一定很多,於是這就引發了另一個問題,要有多少資料,才能叫作大數據呢?根據麥塔集團(META Group)2001年的研究報告指出,資料增長的挑戰有資料量(Volume)、處理速度(Velocity)、資料多樣性(Variety)等3個方向。














Ⅷ 如何理解大數據

1、我理解的大數據就是:數據量大(Volume)、數據種類多樣(Variety)、 要求實時性強(Velocity) 。對它關注也是因為它蘊藏的商業價值大(Value)。也是大數據的4V特性。符合這些特性的,叫大數據。
2、對它關注一個原因就它的大價值,比方ebay,建立的大數據分析平台可以准確分析用戶的購物行為。通過對顧客的行為進行跟蹤、對搜索關鍵字廣告的投入產出進行衡量,優化後eBay 產品銷售的廣告費降低了99%,頂級賣家占總銷售額的百分比卻上升至32%。就大數據價值這一塊,例子很多,詳情可以再自己查查。

Ⅸ 大數據時代時代用英語怎麼說

The era of big data era



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