導航:首頁 > 編程知識 > ug編程怎麼放在機器上


發布時間:2023-09-15 20:29:33

A. ug軟體做出來的編程可以直接到機床上做嗎


B. ug編程軟體怎樣安裝在電腦上

1) Install NX8.0.0.25 and UGSLicensing
2) When acked for license point to .NX8.0.lic supplied in a folder ..\UGSLicensing
3) Copy folders "DRAFTINGPLUS, NXCAE_EXTRAS, NXNASTRAN, NXPLOT and UGII" from crack to <NX8.0 progdir> (by default C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 8.0\) and overwrite original ones
4) Go to <UGSLicensing progdir> (by default: C:\Program Files\UGS\UGSLicensing\) and run lmtools.exe
5) Select "Configuration using Services"
6) Select "UGS License Server (ugslmd)" in the list of servers
7) Select "Start/Stop/Reread" tab
8) Select "Force Server Shutdown"
9) Press "Stop Server"
10) Replace <UGSLicensing progdir>\ugslmd.exe with one from folder ..\UGSLicensing
11) Press "Start Server"
12) Enjoy :)
Cracked by Team-SolidSQUAD (SSQ)



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