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① appeal有哪些意思和用法我要例句片語短語~~

[Ipr, Dpr.t] ~ to sb (for sth); ~ for sth make an earnest request 懇求; 呼籲: I am appealing on behalf of the famine victims. 我代表飢民懇求援助. * The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. 警方向群眾呼籲不要驚慌.
[I, Ipr] ~ (to sb) be attractive or interesting (to sb) (對某人)有吸引力; (使某人)感興趣: The idea of camping has never appealed (to me). 對露營這種想法(我)從來就不感興趣. * Do these paintings appeal to you? 你對這些畫感興趣嗎? * Her sense of humour appealed to him enormously. 她的幽默感把他強烈地吸引住了.
[I, Ipr] ~ (to sth) (against sth) (law 律) take a question to a higher court where it can be heard again and a new decision given (向上級法院)上訴: I've decided not to appeal. 我決定不上訴. * She appealed to the high court against her sentence. 她不服判決而向高等法院上訴.
[I, Ipr] ~ (to sb) (for/against sth) (in cricket) ask (the umpire) to declare a batsman out or to give some other decision (板球賽中)提請(裁判員)宣布擊球員出局或作出其它裁判: The whole side appealed for a catch. 全隊提請裁判員判接球得分. * The captain appealed against the light, ie said that the light was not good enough for the game to continue. 隊長對光線提出異議(認為光線不好不宜繼續比賽).
> appeal n
1 (a) [C] ~ (to sb) (for sth) earnest request 懇求; 呼籲: an appeal for help, food, extra staff 懇求援助﹑ 食物﹑ 增添職員 * a charity appeal 慈善募捐呼籲. (b) [U] request for help or sympathy 吁請援助或同情: Her eyes held a look of silent appeal. 她眼中流露著無聲的求助神情.
2 [U] attractiveness; interest 吸引力; 興趣: Does jazz hold any appeal for you? 你對爵士樂有興趣嗎? * The new fashion soon lost its appeal. 那種新式樣不久就失去了吸引力.
3 [C] (law 律) act of appealing (appeal 3) 上訴: lodge an appeal 提出上訴 * have the right of appeal 有上訴權 * [attrib 作定語] an appeal court 上訴法庭.
4 [C] (in cricket) act of asking the umpire for a decision (板球賽中)提請裁判員裁判.
appealing adj 1 attractive; charming 動人的; 媚人的: I don't find small boys very appealing. 我覺得小男孩兒不太討人喜歡. * The idea of a holiday abroad is certainly appealing. 到外國度假的主意肯定大受歡迎. 2 causing sb to feel pity or sympathy 令人憐憫或同情的: an appealing glance 惹人憐的眼神. appealingly adv.

② 鑻辮 be appeal to鎬庝箞鐢


浣犲傛灉鏌ュ瓧鍏哥殑璇濓紝appeal to鏄鍥哄畾鎼閰嶆病閿欙紝浣嗘槸鍓嶉潰涓嶅彲鑳藉啀鍔燽e浜嗗搱銆傚傛灉鍔犱簡鐨勮瘽閭h偗瀹氫篃鏄榪涜屾椂鐨勬儏鍐碉紝鍗砨e appealing to.浣嗚繖娌℃湁褰卞搷appeal to鏈韜鐨勬剰鎬濄


  1. 璇鋒眰錛屾眰鍔╋細Iappealtoyoursenseofjustice.

  2. 鍚稿紩錛岃變漢錛歍heideadidn'tappealtome.

鎬諱箣錛宎ppeal to鍚庨潰閮芥槸鍔犱漢鎴栬呮満鏋勶紝鏈夆滃悜...奼傚姪鈥濇垨鑰 鈥滆...瑙夊緱鍚稿紩錛岃變漢鈥濈殑鎰忔濄

濡傛灉鏄璇鋒眰奼傚姪鐨勬剰鎬濓紝涓鑸閮芥槸appeal to sb for sth.

鑰屽悗鑰呯殑璇濓紝灝辨槸appeal to sb.

③ 英語be appeal to怎麼用

正確的應該是be appealing to sb。對某人有吸引力。
另外,appeal to也有「對某人有吸引力」回的意思答,這個意思是和be appealing to一樣的。另外,appeal to還有「對……上訴、申訴、呼籲」等含義。
The movie is appealing to me.
The movie appeals to me.



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